Simple system for parents DAV-F200? YSP-1100?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi Everyone,

I was looking for some advice on a simple Home Cinema system for my parents, They recently got a Panasonic TH42PX80 and like it alot but i don't think the sound is that great.

I wanted to make use of the viera link and save having too many controllers, they already have 3, but from the forums it seems panasonic make rubbish speakers.

I am currently considering the YSP-1100 or Sony DAV-F200, mainly because they dont need wires going round the room. I am worried the YSP-1100 will end up with them needing 4 controllers which will cause my mother some consternation (i read that V+ and the YSP dont work well together). The DAV-F200 would replace their existing DVD player and provide some upscaling for the Panasonic (is this worthwhile on this particular TV?).

Which would you guys go for or is there another budget system you would recommend for around £300, maybe the Onkyo HTX22HD (as it's expandable to 5.1 in the future, full HD review tho?)

Any responses would be greatly appreciated.


I was looking for a slightly better sound than standard, but did not have the space to go for a standard av unit. I finally choose a sony htss1300 system, this is a receiver & speaker package only, no dvd, the quality is ok and the cables are very thin, about the same diameter wire as that found on mobile phone chargers. An alternative is a Sony dav is 50 (I think this is the correct model) which has golf ball size speakers, the rears being wireless, and with a dvd player that upscales to 1080p. However the sub on the Dav is 50 is huge. Both of these can be obtained for less than £300. I can only speak about these as they are the only ones that would fit my criteria, thus the only ones I listened to. I hope that this may be of use to you.
Regardless of what sound system you choose, try to stretch to a Harmony One remote. ÿIt works fantastically well and makes life very simple for old and young alike
Thanks for your replies,

I saw that the YSP-600 has viera link so the TV remote would control it, i was a bit loath to go for a unit so much smaller than the YSP-1100 but it got 5 stars in reviews, what do people think? I did read that viera link is not all that but surely they will be able to control the volume through the tv remote?

Also If i get a panasonic DVD would they be able to control that through the TV remote aswell through viera link


"An alternative is a Sony dav is 50 (I think this is the correct model) which has golf ball size speakers, the rears being wireless, and with a dvd player that upscales to 1080p"

I did look at this sony it looks like a good model from reviews, I agree though that a big amp unit like this and on the onkyo i mentioned might not be so easy to accomodate.

I think i am leaning towards the YSP variety right now, is the YSP-600 alot quieter than the YSP-1100?



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