My Naim CDP and amp done have a standby mode, but I do turn off the displays for both listening and when not in use, I doubt very much that contributes significantly to the power used but I do it for less distraction more than anything.
With regards to leaving them on, if as another poster said it draws approx 20 watts total quiescent power then I would think of it as a low power heater which gently circulates the room air with gentle convection currents 🙂 - free air conditioning hehe
There was a time before the energy crisis when buildings were designed with a lighting plan that would be used on a night to achieve heating. Because they were designed from concept to do this the Building management systems would be switched off on a night and only used fro frost and fabric protection on very cold evenings. This was however not understood by the local newspapers and the building was consquently the target of many a 'Thats a massive waste of energy' comment when all the lights were on throughout the night whilst unoccupied
If however you see it in the way that energy must come from somewhere, be it the lights, or a dedicated heating system it still takes the same amount of energy to heat a space, and that lighting is spread throughout a building in such a way to make it ideal for the even and efficeint distribution of heat. That is ofcourse before you factor in the difference between price per kilowatt of electricity compared to say gas or oil but I think you get the general idea.
Dont know why I particulary started this post but in short i dont mind leaving my amp and CDP on 24/7 due to the fact that it gets used for at least 2 hours per day, and my TV is hardly ever switched on.
I never eat or bath either so that saves me loads of energy ;-)