my HMDI connections are fairly loos on the back of my receiver and it only take a slight movement in the cable to come free. I have a Denon avr 4308 receiver, surely they should not be this loose, I am also using van den hul hdmi cables. I have contacted Denon but in all honesty do you think it is something they should look at or should i expect to be fobbed off with (well thats how it is).
my HMDI connections are fairly loos on the back of my receiver and it only take a slight movement in the cable to come free. I have a Denon avr 4308 receiver, surely they should not be this loose, I am also using van den hul hdmi cables. I have contacted Denon but in all honesty do you think it is something they should look at or should i expect to be fobbed off with (well thats how it is).