I'm in a real quandry on whether I should invest in a TT.
What do you think? Is it worth it given I would have to start buying loads of vinyl?
What do you think of the Roksan Radius 5 with say an Ortofon Blue? Any other cartridge suggestions?
I know it will be a whole load of fun, the TT and the purchasing vinyl lark...
Also, recommendations for a phono stage as I have a very very limited amount of room, so the smaller the better. I've looked at the CA 940p and this looks too big, is there anything available that's really small?
What do you think? Is it worth it given I would have to start buying loads of vinyl?
What do you think of the Roksan Radius 5 with say an Ortofon Blue? Any other cartridge suggestions?
I know it will be a whole load of fun, the TT and the purchasing vinyl lark...
Also, recommendations for a phono stage as I have a very very limited amount of room, so the smaller the better. I've looked at the CA 940p and this looks too big, is there anything available that's really small?