keeper of the quays said:Its that simple aliens? Oh long as your happy with it! 🙂plastic penguin said:keeper of the quays said:nice it possible you have been abducted by aliens? And in the spacecraft they fiddled with your ears? This is the only other explanation that explains this anomaly?plastic penguin said:keeper of the quays said:So you have a leema amp? Blimey they a arcam cd vs electrocapaniet..(arcam good but compared to high or low high end? Lol..will sound good but not fab) i think you must have cheap speakers? I saw somewhere re cheap speakers at end of good kit? Its nonsense...if this isnt the case then im stumped!
Depends on what you call cheap speakers. If you mean PMC TB2i then they are spankingly good.
The answer is simple: I just prefer the Arcam sound to the Electro presentation. And as vinyl and radio is the prime source of music, the cheapo Arcam will suffice and which means the Electro has now become redundant in my system.
I owned Arcam amps for 14 unbroken years before buying the Leema, so it isn't surprising I've gravitated towards the CD73.
Nope. No aliens, just a CDP that compliments the system and a certain coziness you only get with familiarity.