Should 5.1 surround speakers be set at the same volume as the fronts?

Cookie Monster

New member
Jan 25, 2010

In all the speaker systems i have owned i seem to get an overpowering sound from the surround speakers when they are set to same or near the same level as fronts and centre. In fact i prefer them set very, very low so as they don't 'butt in' and over power the others when things pick up. Find the sound cluttered and unnatural. Always measure speaker distances manually.

I am doing something wrong?

In theory should they be set at the same volume level as all others as auto calibration seems to achieve?


Cookie Monster
the best way I found is to auto callibrate then I use a spl meter set up a test tone on the front left or right to 75 ish dbl then use that to get the rest set to 75dbl at the listening position
born2die:the best way I found is to auto callibrate then I use a spl meter set up a test tone on the front left or right to 75 ish dbl then use that to get the rest set to 75dbl at the listening position

+1, works for me.


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