On the basis that i have purchased the Kudos now i have unless i return them. I did like the LS-50s but never managed to find a place where i could demo them alongside the kudos and the neats so couldnt do a back to back test. I dont remember them being a massive step up from the Tannoy DCT6's when i listened to them one after the other and with what owners said on here about them needing a bit of space as they are rear ported i dont think i could have got the same sound at home as i got in a demo room. The Kudos being smaller and also base ported now have around 30 cm at the back and sides where the kef's wouldnt have. also the comments on quiet listening, which is what i have to do whenever my wife is in, made my decision a little easier. They now have 3 hours of music through them and sound detailed and muscular in the bass. A step up from 685's. Also the fact that i got a very significant discount on them helped, i paid nowhere near the RRP which would have been over budget.CnoEvil said:Have you ruled out the LS50s?