robborollover, It's a no-brainer, your signature is not exactly the same as chainrock's so why do you have to insist about the SHB's brightness?
2012 - Pray what do you mean my signature is not the same as chainrocks ?? I am relaying what I found when buying and using SHB 2i interconnects, this brightness I might add has been suggested in two other forum sites where one of them actually first wrote about SHB interconnects.
If you are talking about synergy the brightness certainly appears in alot of peoples systems, mine being no slouch MF trivista cdp, oracle tt,koetsu red signature cartridge,sonus faber speakers,nu-vista pre amp, audio research valve amp, symo speaker cable.
As said previously by members of this forum you seem to be very biased towards SHB cables, and readily have a dig at other forum comments if it is not 100% positive.
I have tried the 2i between pre and power, pre and cd,and even tried it in a friends cyrus system which was unlistenable in brightness terms.
I cant wait for your review 2012 on the so called new metaphor interconnects 100% postive no doubt, or will we see you again after you might have been rumbled as an SHB clone ???