Second system.


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Jun 2, 2008
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My second system (to go in a small spare room with an iMac) so far only consists of a lovely pair of JPW Sonatas* - with brand-new tweeters - sealed cabinet bookshelf speakers that I bought a few weeks ago. (Mint condition.)

I need an amp/mini system + AirPlay and DAC.

I am contemplating a Denon DM39DAB or Denon CEOL Piccolo N5 (the stripped down one without CD). The problem with the Denon options is that the DM39DAB has FM but no AirPlay, and the CEOL N5 has AirPlay but no FM. (I like having FM.)

The CEOL is £249 (excl. speakers). the DM39DAB is £199 (excl. speakers). Both options will cost more than I want to spend (£250 max) once I have filled in the 'missing element' in each case. (ATV or seperate FM provision.)

So, I think it's going to be the CEOL Piccolo and then wait for something like a mint, refurbished Hacker Sovereign II or Roberts R900 radio for my 'retro' fix :)

This is - to some extent - a stream of consciousness post (sorry for all the rambling) whilst I mull over options.

Feel free to join in with any ideas. The only constants are budget (£250), speakers to be used (JPW Sonatas) and the iMac.

If your suggestion get's AirPlay and FM (in the same box) for £250 then i'd like to see it.


*They sound excellent played on my normal system and have totally sold me on getting newer, more expensive sealed cabinet bookshelf loudspeakers eventually.


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Jun 2, 2008
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pcookie said:
Why not buy another CR603?

Very cheap at the moment.


It certainly crossed my mind. But I don't need the CD player on it (only need that occasionally on main system) and - despite being very cheap at present - it's still £80 over my budget.

Thanks though. Good idea.


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Jun 2, 2008
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eggontoast said:
Have you now changed your mind about a refurbished vintage set up such as the Sony you were looking at ?

Yes. I am too fussy to have anything but a mint one. (And I would also want to have it properly serviced before using it.) This could be very expensive. Add to which I would need an Apple TV and a cheap DAC for AirPlay and digital connectivity.

Too much money and extra boxes and wires.

Plus these old beasts can chuck out a fair bit of heat (even when idling) and take up a fair bit of room. (Not good for electricity bill either.)

They also tend to have millions of vent slots on top -and underneath - so become uber 'dust traps'

All-in-all, not so good in a small room.


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Mar 14, 2010
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The Denon DM39 is £190 at Peter Tyson or Richersounds and how about adding an Airport Express at £79, total £269?




Well-known member
Jun 2, 2008
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Thanks for all the ideas. I have read them and thought about them (and researched them on the web).

I am about 90 percent decided on the Denon CEOL Piccolo now.

I think I will just have to live without FM in the spare room. Everything else about the Piccolo is spot-on and I just keep coming back to it.

Cool and energy efficient (class D) the same power as my M-CR603, optical digital, ethernet and AirPlay and iThing compatible USB with charging.

Small, easy to clean. No top or side vents to suck in dust.

It is likely to have the same (or similar) sound to my M-CR603 (a good thing to me) given it's essentially made by the same company and has similar specs.

The JPWs are rated 87dB @ 8 ohms and 70 watts max (sealed cabinets, wall mounted). I will be listening from about 5 -6 feet in a small room (10ft x 12ft) at moderate volumes, so the Piccolo has enough 'grunt' for my purposes.


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