Second hand or new?


Jun 14, 2024
Hi everyone, I'm after some advice/help. I have not had a turntable for many a year (I was never a connoisseur of vinyl in the first place, played my records on a midi hifi back in the day) however my wife and I have records stashed away that we'd now like to play. I would like to buy a turntable with a vintage look and have seen ones on various websites for sale and like the look of of the Thorens or Goldring. My question is are these makes any good? Am I better off getting something new rather than a vintage one? Would probably not wish to spend more than £400 to start with.
Thanks in advance
Welcome to the forum.
Unless you really know what you are looking at I would go for new although I don't know what you're going to get with a vintage look for your budget.
And to answer your other question both Thorens and Goldring make / made excellent decks.
For what it's worth I don't think you will get a good second-hand Thorens with a good cartridge for £400
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A little research will get you a genuine vintage deck around that price from a few different makers.

I upgraded a 1990 system deck somewhat recently (what hifi product of the year) with a goldring e3, it's a good solid deck and they go for around your budget.

It's rediculas what some of them sell for now with this so called Vinyl Resurgence.

Me and my father would buy decks from bootsales to tinker on whilst taking night classes in TV and video repair 😂 for peanuts in the early 90s after CD negated most people's record players to bootsales etc.

Some of them now regarded to be good vintage decks.
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Yep, some decks going for way over the odds and, unlike speakers and amps, not many bringing out new turntables with a vintage / retro look, and certainly not for £400.
Looking at second hand decks would he the way to go but buyer beware and always factor in price of a new cartridge into the equation.
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