Samsung PS50C7000 50 inch VS Panasonic VT20 50 inch


New member
Aug 10, 2019
So a definitive review of the VT20 appears!!!!. But as yet not of the PS50C7000 (which now is reported to have a faulty processor)

Has the Panasonic won on the strength of the excellent review it got?, not for me.

The benchmark for me was beating the Kuro and the VT20 hasnt done it (remember the LG990 got close to the Kuro in this magazines review and that set is half the price of the the pana - )

The pana could still be the answer for me as I want 3D and I want 50'' and no more. ...but the question remains is the Samsung PSC7000 close enough at £600 less. I need to know but may not have the patience to wait, as presumably the Samsung wil not re emerge for months
i have not seen either , but i doubt the lg got as close to the kuro as some people would like to think , it was compared to the kuro in the whfi review , but then every large flatscreen tv is compared to the kuro during whfi reviews ..

going on what ive read on the net , the g20 beats the lg in most areas , and suffers from no image retention , as the lg is reported to , its also cheaper than the lg , and , the v20 and vt20 especially are better than the g20 , go figure..
id just like to add .. saying the vt20 has not matched or beaten the kuro is a bit premature imo , we should know more by the end of the week / early next week , when two vt20 reviews are due to hit the net ..

going on some early reports from tech savvy people (some of them calibrators) on the various forums , that have directly compared the two , there is very little in it either way , with one common finding , the panny does go brighter , not in a bad way , but punchier in bright scenes , while holding its own in many other areas , black levels are a touch lighter apparently , but still very very deep ..

lets not forget the 50vt20 can be found for close to £2k , it also has full 3d , anyone who has compared it with the samsung lcd 3d model has said it is better at displaying 3d , it also ships with two pairs of glasses ..

the little 40in samsung 3d lcd reviewed here got 5 stars , at £1800 , thats £2100 with glasses , the set suffered from backlight bleed , some crosstalk , and its uber expensive , yet it got 5 stars , and a kuro it definately aint..

i cant wait for the whfi review of this panasonic , that should tell us all a lot
Which "definitive" review are we talking about here? Is it from a "tech" website?
Pindi:Which "definitive" review are we talking about here? Is it from a "tech" website?
aye , i wouldnt rate them too highly myself , but they were impressed ..

thats the website i mean , not the tv
Hi all,

Here in Portugal from the retailers here are the diferences :

Samsung PS50C7000 - 1196 £

Panasonic 50VT20 - 2324,22 £

2324,22 - 1196 = 1128,22 £

In my opinion panasonic should review their prices , i know its a better set then samsung but IMO it needs to be a LOT better , makes nespresso cofes , print my photos, let me see the future feature and get 8 stars from WHF for me to start thinking of buying at this price .... 🙂

Also im waiting for answers about samsung suposted problems (some rumors that i think not correct that were posted earlier) so ill write back when i get the answer...
What strange prices you have in Portugal!

In Denmark you can get the 50VT20 for a little more than 2.000£, just like in the UK

The Samsung is priced just above 1.500£ making the choice less clear cut I would say.
Hope you are right Max - and that the reviews clear it up this week but still need to reference both the Kuro and the PS7000 in any review to make a proper decision given the enourmous price difference (The samsung will be around £1200)

Hope you are right CM7 and that the samsung is not faulty - there are a lot of reports that it is

Its and unusal situation, but at the moment there are only 2 plasma 50'' 3D options - and one is a a heck of a lot more than the other and pretty ordinary looking.

If the samsung is 95% of the VT20 thats enough for me.................but CM7 you are better off without Nespresso anyway as it cost me £30 a month in capsules
🙂 you drink a lot of cofee , 60 ? is enough for 3 months but then again its only 2 here ( me and her )

if the samsung could be 95% of the vt20 it would be a enourmous bet / buy

i think is more fair to give 5 star vt20 and 4 star ps50c7000

If rating per pound basis like WHF do then samsung probably gets 5 star rating ( my opinion , only speculating )

I've my doubts to ..

Is my personall opinion from all ive gather that Samy ps50c7000 is very close to pana g20 ... the blacks are not that black (at least before the raise the afected 2009 sets ) so if you looking for kuro blacks - dont go sammy ..

As i was pointed and not yet cenceled my 50 g20 pana i feel that with sammy i could almoust get the g20 pq with the 3d bonus , slimmer and stylish better looking set , with the sammy aditional gadgets ...

There is one expert review already about the sammy (italian) that is were i got this knowladge, from user reviews from all the countries (talking about real users that really have the set and talk and do their own reviews) things look very good .... buzzing issues seems to be solved and no IR.

It is kind of erliy to say more about it , tomorrow im finally going to personally review this set , expectations are high , hope it is good enough for me to bring it home .. if its not good enough i will miss 3d for now and go for 50g20 ....

Hope it helps


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