Samsung LE37B650 v Sony 37W5500 v Panasonic TX-L37S10


New member
Aug 10, 2019

Quick question, I recently bought the 40 inch sony after reading the review in the magazine and getting feedback on here. Happily it didn't have any clouding, backlight bleed problems so have been very happy with it so far.

I have a friend who is also now looking to upgrade from a 32 to a 37 inch tv and is looking at the above models.

Are these all contained in the group test in this months magazine? I think that it is a 37 inch supertest this month? 

Will be buying the magazine once I finish exams this week, but was just wondering if there is any of the above that really stand out from the others to suggest to him in case he goes looking this weekend?

I know he uses it mainly for sky hd, xbox 360 and dvd's and currently has speakers connected to it if this makes any difference. 

Thanks in advance. 
The Samsung and Sony are in our July 09 Supertest, yes, but not the Panasonic TX-L37S10 - we've tested the TX-L37G15 and TX-P37X10 (LCD and plasma respectively).
Personally I'm interested in the Sony 37W5500 and Panasonic L37S10. Bit confused as What Hi-Fi have the Panasonic as their 37" Best Buy even though the Sony did quite well in this months mag.

Could anyone make a recommendation based on mainly Freeview and Blu-ray usage with a little gaming.
The Samsung ...B650 series image processing is the best I have come across. I have the 46" version and I have never seen such good results with very basic sources such as SD and xvid/divx in .avi.

Another greet boon is the ability to play back movies from a USB source or USB hard drive.

To me, Samsung has passed Sony in performance though of course in "show off" value to Average Joe, Sony ranks higher.
Andy has the TX-P37X10 been reviewed yet? and if so how did it score?
Thanks for the replies.

Have now bought the magazine to have a read of the supertest.

Seems that the Sony and Panasonic are best all round but that the Samsung is worth considering if you don't intend on using the speakers on it.ÿ
Ollie Barclay:
Personally I'm interested in the Sony 37W5500 and Panasonic L37S10. Bit confused as What Hi-Fi have the Panasonic as their 37" Best Buy even though the Sony did quite well in this months mag.

We made the Panasonic TX-L37S10 our Best Buy 37in TV before we'd tested the new Sony 37W5500 in the latest issue.

There's normally a delay of 5-10 days between the issue going on sale and the reviews in it being uploaded to the website, as is the case here. As soon as the Sony 37W5500 review is online next week, we'll update our Best Buys.
I've been having this debate for some time Sony v Panasonic. Having both of them in front of me the Panasonic is a better price but for picture quality I would go for the Sony as it works wonders with SD & blu-ray/HD.

Stephen suggest to your friend to pop down to a local independent who deals with both brands, as both come with a 5 year warranty at the moment (Panasonic backed finishes on June 30th).


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