Well-known member
Hi gel,It does appear that very few members are contributing on here sadly. A lot of members haven’t comeback since the forum closed for a year. Only some it seems got emails about it, but to be honest a lot of them weren’t WHF readers anyway I did like posting on WHF Facebook page perhaps I will just do that instead. It appears I am talking to myself half of the time!
You're not talking to yourself (well not half the time - maybe a third of the time ) - just not all of us can keep up your level of posting... I have got a day job and a family, which does restrict my postings.
Having said that, it's definitely quieter here. But maybe it will ramp up slowly - I hope so.
Need to keep this place friendly and helpful. I'll admit my post on speaker suggestions for my A85 generated lots of really good suggestions, a pretty active thread and I've now got some speakers I'm really happy with, with some options should I get the itch...
I'm here from the duration, as long as things stay friendly/helpful. Some good blogs and actual detailed how to threads would help - e.g. posting on the trials and tribulations of setting up a new home cinema... An active classified section would probably help (but that takes time to build up).