alchemist 1 said:
David how would you describe the Primare and Roksan sound ?
Concerned about power output as the Yamaha is a 100watts per ch.
The Yamaha is a great sounding amp.
I was just wondering which direction to go for a upgade in quality of sound.
On saying that it would have to something rather special to beat the AS2000.
I must admit those new Yamaha AS3000 models look tempting.
But may be of the same Yamaha house sound ?
Well we have the AS2100 on its way to us to compliment the matching CD player, so I'll be able to comment on that some time soon.
I wouldn't worry too much about watts per channel.
I think the Roksan will be closer to what you already have in some respects, and the Primare is quite different, using high efficiency amplification.