jaxwired : i think what i dont like is the sound of my (15 year old) 3100 , not the warm sound of nad in general, if what i mean by "muddy sound" is present in every single integrated made by Nad then i do not like it in general. but believe me i've started to think that maybe a combination like yours , 355 integrated + 545 cd player with epos m12.2 might give me the same warm sound i now have (already have chord cables) together with a TIGHTER bass (THIS is what i'm looking for) if you think the bass is extended big or whatever What Hi-Fi has considered to give 355 4 stars but at the same time is TIGHT and the amp is fast and rhythmic and of course you dont get boomy sound at all then i might have found a fine cheap solution to my problem...
for sure , at least that's what i see when opening the chassis of 3100 but also it is what i'm told from audio pro/engineers , old nads (early 90s like mine) had a robust construction and used better materials than current models by NAD do. maybe due to my poor experience with the nad amps (only have had 3100 for so many years) i havent listened to newer models and cannot tell the difference which may -as british or as a whole , sound has changed throughout the past few years- have led to a new sound . i dont know... one thing is construction/build quality , sound is another (electronics evolve, in a lightning fast speed, we all know)
so since you've got both 355+545 even with a different pair of speakers (i guess you know epos m12.2 character (good in jazz/fantastic female vocal for the price) you can accept or not what "what hi-fi: have written in their review , for 355 (boomy sound or what).. finally can you tell me a few things about the build quality and transport part (both mechanical and electronic, by what you can judge) of 545bee cd player. i love my marantzes all those years... never too late if nad deserves a second try, though..
SteveR750 encountered a huge sound difference when moving from an old nad to a newer... and this is very interesting...
although SteveR750 in another thread suggests i should try ANOTHER NAD, C355 .... hm... dunno
If you don't like the NAD sound, switching models is pointless. The classic line of NAD amps are all very similar other than power output.