Roksan Kandy K2 BT new review on WHF

We were discussing timing and transparency imperfections found by WHF in this thread. Seems same "flaw" was found by WHF in the K2 BT, the Pulse III and the old Supernait, but not in other magazine reviews for those particular models.

Your thoughts on this Isac?
I listened to it whilst selecting kit for my recent audition. I have to say I thought it was as dull as dull could be. It didn't make it to the final audition. I guess it might be fine with different speakers.

Interesting that you say dull. After a zillion posts on timing thread, I reached the conclusion that when reviwers talk about poor timing they mean dull - aka flat, lifeless. As a journalist this lacks a bit of poetry so instead it is couched in stuff about notes starting and stopping, leading edges etc

having listened to the amp, did you notice any tonal colouring?
Kamikaze Bitter said:
Interesting that you say dull. After a zillion posts on timing thread, I reached the conclusion that when reviwers talk about poor timing they mean dull - aka flat, lifeless. As a journalist this lacks a bit of poetry so instead it is couched in stuff about notes starting and stopping, leading edges etc

having listened to the amp, did you notice any tonal colouring?

Unfortunately I didn't hear it with my CDs but with what the shop had available. So whilst I didn't hear any "tonal colouring" being unfamiliar with the recordings I might have missed something. I had just gone into the shop to arrange an audition and the enthusiastic salesman put the Kandy with the Kef R500s and I was totally underwhelmed (and I told him so). I was looking for a step-change in performance and nearly cancelled the whole idea but he swapped the Kandy for the Musical Fidelity M3 and that showed some potential so I went ahead with the full audition (which I reported on another thread).

The words you use are appropriate - flat, lifeless - that was my clear impression. The MF in contrast brought out some of the excitement in the music.

Based on your description of the latest Kandy model's sound, it's strange that the Kandy KA1 Mk2 that I had many years ago fits that same description. One would have thought that the sound has changed with each new model upgrade, but apparently not. Perhaps hifi components also have a certain genetic line like human beings that carries forward certain traits from generation to generation.

I ended up keeping it for only a very short time, and the Unison Research Unico I replaced it with had so much more "tonal colour" and surprisingly sounded more powerful even though it had a lower power rating than the Roksan. The Unico was much more satisfying.
Quote from the WHF review:

"It’s a big, bold and weighty performance and one capable of despatching grand dynamic shifts with consummate ease. It makes for rousing renditions of swelling orchestral scores and heavy metal anthems.

There’s also a degree of punch here that the last Kandy K2 couldn’t quite manage: a precision to the start and stop of each note that combined with that power creates a fabulously forceful attack.

There’s a great deal of detail here too, and the open, engaging reproduction of vocals is a big win.

In fact, “strong” is a good word to use in relation to the Kandy K2 BT. The amount of power it has got and the way it uses that to create punch and massive dynamic shifts are very rare at this price, and there are some who will love the amp just for that".

Quote from Hi-Fi Choice, which prefers the Kandy K2 BT over the Creek Evo 50a:

"Through the line-level ins, the K2 BT is at its absolute best, and it is superb. I’ve heard practically every mid-price integrated around, and the Roksan gives absolutely nothing away to any of them. It has a wonderfully even tonality; it’s not bright, screechy, (what some would call) transistory [sic], or any other unpleasant’-y’. Rather, it has a very sophisticated tone, bristling with detail, but never forward or intrusive.”

“There are only four British brands doing this specific sort of sound right now, one of which is of course, Roksan, the others being Creek, Rega and Arcam. Of the four smoothies, Roksan is the most animated sounding – it is this rare combination of couthness and uncompromising musicality that makes it so special.”

“Manix’s One More Time is a vast slab of nineties-stylee drum’n’bass, with ultra-fast looped hi-hats and snare drums set behind sparse keyboards and female vocals, above some massive thumping sub-bass. Many amplifiers would fall apart trying to keep the bright-sounding midband honest while wheezing under the weight of the bassline, but the K2 BT is absolutely unfazed.”

“its richness of tone allied to its speed, bass grip and midband insight gel beautifully.”

“the K2 BT is solid as a rock and smooth as silk.”

“The amplifier bubbles with energy, showing a lovely rhythmic gait and wonderful dynamic alacrity.”

“The new K2 BT is rather impressive at soundstaging too, with a very expansive recreated acoustic, and instruments located within this with rifle-bolt precision. There are very few amplifiers that I can think of at this price that are so musically expressive yet architecturally correct.”

Quote from Hi-Fi World:

“the K2 is punchy, energetic and fast.”

“I then switched to Squeeze’s grandiose and varied East Side Story. The prominent bassline of Tempted (high-infidelity?) was deep yet controlled, never obscuring the song’s other elements (including a soulful vocal and some delicious organ work).”

“the K2 BT is something of a rhythmically-sympathetic bass monster.”

“Power, clarity, definition and above all excitement from some damn good songs”

“This is a very enjoyable sounding amp, with plenty of power on tap – great for dynamics and rock-venue realism. It’s particularly at home with rock and dance music, but I also found it conveyed classical music well. “

“Solid build quality, fast and dynamic sound”


First 3 weeks of ownership where the biggest change and final one 4 months in, the amp was whole, absolutely amazing. Fact is Roksan, Creek, Arcam, Musical Fidelity, Yamaha, Accuphase, Pass Labs all make "analogue", "warm", "smooth", "tube like" sounding components. They are for minority groups, not everyone. Especially big no no if your ears are clogged.

Hi-Fi Choice - How does it compare?

"Costing £750, Creek’s Evolution 50A is probably the Roksan K2 BT’s biggest rival. It’s very smooth and even sounding, rather like the Roksan. It’s possibly a little less punchy and the bass isn’t quite so barrel chested, and it’s a little more relaxing and not quite so energetic. This is partly down to the Creek’s power output, which is considerably lower than the Roksan’s, but you’d never call it lacking. But it makes music in a very natural, charming and subtle way – giving the sort of performance you’d never have got five years ago at this price. It’s also very flexible too, with the option of a tuner module, but no Bluetooth. An audition is a must for either".

A rival??? With what??? The K2 BT is 175WPC in 8 ohms and 300WPC in 4 ohms! If the Roksan Kandy K2 BT was a car it would be an AMG Merc.


drummerman said:
Why are you so bothered about a review?


Maybe because he has bought one, doesn't think it is all that great and is trying to convince himself otherwise....... :?

Only joking Vlad......... 😉
The Rotel is quite brighter. However paired with matching speaker it is a great amp, especially considering its VFM is through the roof! I considered it when I was shopping my B&Ws.

Please report with your own personal impressions Rick. Thanks! :wave:
Didn't hear the new BT yet . I had the K2 till I upgraded to Rotels pre/power about half a year ago and I do think that it terms of power , sound quality

and VFM there was't a better option than the Kandy on sub 800 pounds level price ,.Hope the BT version will not be a disappointment once I'll hear it :?


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