Roksan Kandy k2 AMP vs MA RX6


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I will be successful in combination roksan kandy k2 AMP vs MA RX6? I do not have any way to make a hearing with both.

someone who has this combination at home, or who has heard some demo?

Thank you all!
lipe:I will be successful in combination roksan kandy k2 AMP vs MA RX6? I do not have any way to make a hearing with both.

someone who has this combination at home, or who has heard some demo?

Thank you all!

I've yet to hear the MA RX6, so can't comment. The Kandy K2 I have heard with Ruark and ATC speakers and it is a very tempting proposition. Would it be possible for you to submit further details on what sound you're looking for: every amp and speaker combo has its own sonic signature, so with more info I'm sure a few of us would be able to point you in the right direction
I have the previous generation RS6's paired with a K2 and absolutely love the set-up, perfect balance for me.
I'd imagine that the RX6 would make for an even sweeter pairing
you are right plastic penguin ... I am looking for a sound with much detail, harmony, sound stage and openness. I hear all kinds of music, from pop, trip-hop, electronica, jazz and all its aspects, rock, classical ... I hear everything.

I want is an AMP that is consistent across all genres, and is a
versatile in all types of music and allowing me all the quality and
safety in all Music ....😉

some time ago here in the forum, advised me naim 5i ... but as I'm Portuguese living in Portugal, more easily roksan an arrangement that has national representation here.

and I do not know if the 50w of power naim not be just for RX6 against the 125w's roksan K2.

and my misfortune is that I can not hear any of them .... any advice from other AMP (other brands) that may apply on your part is welcome, but with the ROKSAN k2 highlighted.

Got to be careful what I'm saying here and I don't want to offend anyone, as usual, my opinion only, but MA's previous silver range certainly did not sound open or very detailed. More mushy, woolly and with a capped treble, at least to these ears and compared to almost any other speaker round the price. Just listen to a PMC PB1 or any entry totems ...

Now I have'nt heard the new ones but someone here mentioned they sound even duller, with less treble. I've no idea and you may not agree with me but i'd certainly try and listen first. Get a ryan air ticket for a few pounds.

My impression of the very system someone mentioned here (K2 and RS6) was not entirely successfull. It even got on my nerves after a while and only switching to Arcams A38 restored some of the balance. - Good luck
I have this combination of equipment and I think it produces a balanced sound that works well with a wide variety of musical genres.

Drummerman's comments are very valid though - what he's sees as being "dull" and "mushy" might be what I hear as being warmer and more balanced. If he were aiming for something which sounds more clearly defined, I might hear that as being overly harsh with too much treble. Really you want to hear the equipment for yourself - if that isn't possible, then maybe you should consider other equipment that you can demo locally.

I have this combination of equipment and I think it produces a balanced sound that works well with a wide variety of musical genres.

Drummerman's comments are very valid though - what he's sees as being "dull" and "mushy" might be what I hear as being warmer and more balanced. If he were aiming for something which sounds more clearly defined, I might hear that as being overly harsh with too much treble. Really you want to hear the equipment for yourself - if that isn't possible, then maybe you should consider other equipment that you can demo locally.

It's also worth bearing in mind is that Arcam traditionally matches well with MA. So much so that I believe, someone correct me if I'm wrong, that Arcam used to test their amps with Monitor Audio (may still do as far as I know).

So although the Kandy K2 is a worthy award winner, Arcam may be better matched to MA. With that said, if you are sold on the K2 and unsure about MA's, I would seriously recommend Focal 714V. These are very underrated speakers and rarely get mentioned on the forum.
... what he's sees as being "dull" and "mushy" might be what I hear as being warmer and more balanced. If he were aiming for something which sounds more clearly defined, I might hear that as being overly harsh with too much treble.

Nop, 'dull and mushy' is just that, nothing to do with 'warm'. Cheap, veiled sounding tweeter and/or Xover. Other than that totally agree, sound is subjective, a good treble unit isn't.
I briefly had K2 feeding MA RS6s. The sound was ok, but nothing amazing. It was a tad tiring, somehow the sound wasn't natural. It was as if you'd turned up the bass and treble at the same time (basically at the expense of the mids).

Now I use Spendor A5s and these match K2 like a glove. In fact I've been so happy with the combo I have started coming here less and less...
rs1 and rs6 sort of missed on the mids...havent heard the rx6 but i guess it wont be much better
On this very magazine's latest issue it was suggested to pair RX6 with Naim Nait5i as a better combination over Cyrus or Roksan.

... what he's sees as being "dull" and "mushy" might be what I hear as being warmer and more balanced. If he were aiming for something which sounds more clearly defined, I might hear that as being overly harsh with too much treble.

Nop, 'dull and mushy' is just that, nothing to do with 'warm'. Cheap, veiled sounding tweeter and/or Xover. Other than that totally agree, sound is subjective, a good treble unit isn't.

I have a theory! (in a Baldrick style)

There's been a few people saying similar things about K2/MA combo over recent months. I've heard both the K2 and the older LIII, albeit not in the same environment nor with the same speakers; the K2 heard in the summer, LIII in summer of 2008.

When I heard the Kandy LIII on my RS6's it sounded fast, detailed - most tracks were going 100 mph - and I've often described the LIII with certain genres of music as being slightly "boistrous". I spoke to Unilet earlier in the year and the subject of the Kandy came up and I asked him about the enthusiastic edge to the LIII. He said I wasn't the first to mention this, then he went on to say, "it's odd because the Caspian doesn't have those traits - or even the K2."

WHFI, when they reviewed the K2, said it was more refined than the my train of thought is reasoning that the K2's extra sonic control means it's less impressive than the LIII with Monitor Audio speakers. Would be interesting to gauge (sorry, it's very early
)canvass the opinions of WHFI reviewers and/or Andrew and Clare. Maybe this is where some of the discrepencies are raised, but as I said at the outset, this is my personal theory

Your views on my theory.....
think im agreeing with you pp if ive understood correctly

the last speakers i built were based on triangle and audax drivers and the intention was to make them fast but not tiring

that was a total failure since the tweeter was too aggressive and the sound always hard to listen to over anything more than twenty minutes

i tried them with amps ranging from fast to warm and cuddly but though they sounded best with nad there was still the problem that the speakers had it wrong to begin with and the treble was always harsh which leads me to think if the speakers are voiced in a certain way theres not a lot an amp can do about it

thats an extreme example and a product of bad design but it does make me think the voicing of the ma is at fault as you say and some amps disguise it when i say at fault i dont mean design error just that the speaker is designed for a certain sound
one off:

think im agreeing with you pp if ive understood correctly

the last speakers i built were based on triangle and audax drivers and the intention was to make them fast but not tiring

that was a total failure since the tweeter was too aggressive and the sound always hard to listen to over anything more than twenty minutes

i tried them with amps ranging from fast to warm and cuddly but though they sounded best with nad there was still the problem that the speakers had it wrong to begin with and the treble was always harsh which leads me to think if the speakers are voiced in a certain way theres not a lot an amp can do about it

thats an extreme example and a product of bad design but it does make me think the voicing of the ma is at fault as you say and some amps disguise it when i say at fault i dont mean design error just that the speaker is designed for a certain sound

You have understood, no probs. I just feel that the little tweak to the K2 of the small but essential upfrontness, so taking into consideration individual opinions, I believe this is where K2/MA combo is falling slightly short of the mark.....
plastic penguin thanks for all your comments .... are all very interesting.

so I then realized, for your personal taste the previous Kandy LIII made a good set with your rs6?

and I take the opportunity to ask you your opinion about the RS6 and new RX6.

in relation to naim 5i counseling to marry the RX6 this last WTHF not have little power (50w) to power the RX6?

Thanks to all. big hug!
lipe:plastic penguin thanks for all your comments .... are all very interesting.

so I then realized, for your personal taste the previous Kandy LIII made a good set with your rs6?

and I take the opportunity to ask you your opinion about the RS6 and new RX6.

in relation to naim 5i counseling to marry the RX6 this last WTHF not have little power (50w) to power the RX6?

Thanks to all. big hug!

Based my own experience of the K2 & LIII, allied to comments made by others on the forum and WHFI S&V's reviews, yes the LIII is a better match with RS6's.

As previously mentioned, not heard the RX6 yet, although they are very highly thought of, a little more forgiving than the RS6, if I have interpreted correctly.

Now for the Naim/RX6 match. About a year and a half ago, thanks to very kind retailer, I borrowed a Nait 5i (MK1 or pre italics), rigged to my current system and I was horrified. The sound was boomy; so much so, it physically gave me a headache, at low levels too. Some of this fatigue was down to the CDP (Arcam and Naim not good bedfellows), but I just found the Naim too aggressive, hence why most people highly recommend Rega speakers, Neat, PMC standmouted. So unless the latest incarnations of Naim & MA are vastly different, then based on my own experience, I wouldn't give them the thumbs up.
I just moved from the MA RS6 to the new RX6 and I can assure you they are much better than the old ones. I don't find the sound dull at all. The new tweeter is much smoother, delicate, but very detailed too. Mids are clearer, bass more extended and powerfull , still very clean an fast...summing up, they are in a different league.

It seems to me that they are less unfussy regarding amplifier match. I heard them with a Primare i21 and the sound was very fine , though less dynamic then with my MF A5.5. The bass with the Primare was not so powerfull too.

I live in Portugal too and i think it will be possible for you to ear the pair K2 vs MA RX6 at the local dealer ( Delaudio).

Good luck!!
We have to clarify what is meant by 'dull.' On the contrary, the Silver range been accused of being too bright. To me they are lively and very informative speakers, although I concur that using bright electronics will unbalance them a little.
plastic penguin: Now for the Naim/RX6 match. About a year and a half ago, thanks to very kind retailer, I borrowed a Nait 5i (MK1 or pre italics), rigged to my current system and I was horrified. The sound was boomy; so much so, it physically gave me a headache, at low levels too. Some of this fatigue was down to the CDP (Arcam and Naim not good bedfellows), but I just found the Naim too aggressive, hence why most people highly recommend Rega speakers, Neat, PMC standmouted. So unless the latest incarnations of Naim & MA are vastly different, then based on my own experience, I wouldn't give them the thumbs up.Definitely something wrong there. The Italic i version of the Naim's were greatly improved, but I would still say that for them to sound 'aggressive' and to give you a headache (they need a good warming up period), something was definitely wrong, especially if using an Arcam CD player, which is a little smoother than most CDP's.

An audition is the only way to choose the right amplifier.
... what he's sees as being "dull" and "mushy" might be what I hear as being warmer and more balanced. If he were aiming for something which sounds more clearly defined, I might hear that as being overly harsh with too much treble.

Nop, 'dull and mushy' is just that, nothing to do with 'warm'. Cheap, veiled sounding tweeter and/or Xover. Other than that totally agree, sound is subjective, a good treble unit isn't.

DM, we've been here before but what was feeding the RS6s when you demo'd them? I want you over to my house to see you eat humble pie. In no way shape or form can my system sound dull or mushy. I was listening last night to Bob Marley's Natty Dread, (24bit files) and it sounded sublime.

... what he's sees as being "dull" and "mushy" might be what I hear as being warmer and more balanced. If he were aiming for something which sounds more clearly defined, I might hear that as being overly harsh with too much treble.

Nop, 'dull and mushy' is just that, nothing to do with 'warm'. Cheap, veiled sounding tweeter and/or Xover. Other than that totally agree, sound is subjective, a good treble unit isn't.

DM, we've been here before but what was feeding the RS6s when you demo'd them? I want you over to my house to see you eat humble pie. In no way shape or form can my system sound dull or mushy. I was listening last night to Bob Marley's Natty Dread, (24bit files) and it sounded sublime.

No point Gerrard - according to DM he demo'd it with the Kandy K2. He said he found the A38 Arcam's flagship better.

Read my post on page 1 about my theory.....slightly more objective
Thank you all for your contribution ... your
opinion is very important to me because where I live have no shop
dedicated to the HI-FI, that will not let me hear combinations at all.
if I want to buy something, just ordered it on purpose after I know what is good.

Rucha, I am a resident in Coimbra, and with very little time to travel to Lisbon on purpose to audition ... thank you for sharing your experience🙂

followed the threads and opinions of all users with a lot of attention,
and despite all the opinions are personal, I have them much attention.

Sorry but I mean more unfussy not less, as I've sad on my previous post about RX6 amplifier partenering.


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