... what he's sees as being "dull" and "mushy" might be what I hear as being warmer and more balanced. If he were aiming for something which sounds more clearly defined, I might hear that as being overly harsh with too much treble.
Nop, 'dull and mushy' is just that, nothing to do with 'warm'. Cheap, veiled sounding tweeter and/or Xover. Other than that totally agree, sound is subjective, a good treble unit isn't.
I have a theory! (in a Baldrick style)
There's been a few people saying similar things about K2/MA combo over recent months. I've heard both the K2 and the older LIII, albeit not in the same environment nor with the same speakers; the K2 heard in the summer, LIII in summer of 2008.
When I heard the Kandy LIII on my RS6's it sounded fast, detailed - most tracks were going 100 mph - and I've often described the LIII with certain genres of music as being slightly "boistrous". I spoke to Unilet earlier in the year and the subject of the Kandy came up and I asked him about the enthusiastic edge to the LIII. He said I wasn't the first to mention this, then he went on to say, "it's odd because the Caspian doesn't have those traits - or even the K2."
WHFI, when they reviewed the K2, said it was more refined than the LIII......so my train of thought is reasoning that the K2's extra sonic control means it's less impressive than the LIII with Monitor Audio speakers. Would be interesting to gauge (sorry, it's very early
)canvass the opinions of WHFI reviewers and/or Andrew and Clare. Maybe this is where some of the discrepencies are raised, but as I said at the outset, this is my personal theory
Your views on my theory.....