
New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi Folks

I would like to know if any of you have had any problems with the above CD players from Roksan audio , or has my experience just been a real piece of bad luck, i first purchased my roksan CD player KD1 Mk3 back in 2003 not that old i would say, within the last few months i have had the problem of the player skipping on some Cd's, i decided to send it to roksan so that they could do a service on the lens and reline it, unfortunately roksan were unable to repair my player, even after 3 attempts of sending it back, it was a real ordeal costing me £70.00 in postage fees and not so working player, i then decided to upgrade to the Roksan KC1 MK3 last week and lo and behold the player sometimes skips on certain Cd's this is new out the box costing me £430.00, so you can imagine how I'm feeling right now. i now have the ordeal in calling roksan to see if they repair it, i do have the two year warranty. all my Cd's are in mint condition no marks ect, no vibration from sound or anything. any feedback would be helpful.


have you tried playing the cd's on other cd players? ... are the cd's new cd's or have you burned / recorded them yourself?
All Cd's are original pressings i don't hold any copy's as i like the feel of a real cd, if you get my meaning!!! they work fine on other players.
I had the KC1 cd player some time ago and it had the same issues. I got a quote of £180.00 to get it repaired, so I sold it as parts on E-bay.

It was a lovely cd player when it worked though but the skipping was just too much.
if you only bought the cd player 2 weeks ago, and bought it from a dealer, you can take it back and get a full refund (as long as you live in the UK and still have all the packaging and till slip) ... you do not have to accept a replacement or repair

it's the sale of goods act (search google ... ebay also enforces that when you buy from a business seller and buy using the 'buy it now' feature) .

but dont wait any longer as there is a time limit


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