

New member
Jul 10, 2009
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new sony egde lit models not reviewed
freeview hd

vs the panasonic g20
claire andrew?


I will defitnely wait for next issue , and a lot curious to see the battle between Panasonic ans Sony altough somehow i think is not a fair battle... as we are comparing diferent technologies , and evidences are clear - but let see how it goes....

It would be good too... if someone with real expertises could once and for all demystify all that as been said about the black levels issue that as generate a lot of talk - in a language that everyone could understand and trutly help who is welling to buy and wants to make a wise choice.


I just hope that this upcomming review is not design based .... cause in this case we all knew what would be the result ... :)


Andrew, i was kind of joking , cause we all notice panasonic is not very worried with design aspects...

Altough we know that is an important aspect to take in consideration ...costumers value the looks too ... as we need to integrate this sets with the existing furniture and design of our house its also an important aspect..

but instead of feeling that i was somehow question the reviews ( i didnt ) , i buy WHF every month (in Portugal) at 7,6 euros).... you could say something about your expertises regarding the diferent technologies ...lcds vs plasmas , what you think of both and ultimatly what you have at home , i think this would be very intersting for the readers / forum ??


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Jun 30, 2008
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People buy what they want, there's no right or wrong between the two technologies. As i see it when i bought my Samsung two years ago i thought Plasma was on the way out, how wrong was i, after looking again found that i prefer the plasma, with it's more natural colours and deeper blacks, would suit me much better as mainly viewed in the evenings. Lcd has caught up with most plasmas reguarding black levels and definetly out sell plasma's, and im sure plasma's will come to end before Lcd. Just buy what you prefer it's not all about Sony vs Panasonic, Samsung, LG, Philips and Sharp will alll have there say as well.


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Oct 14, 2007
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I'm thinking that LED will outdo both LCD and Plasma in time though at the moment Plasma still rules ...

Sony has the best marketing of everything in the world bar none and people are like sheep so will go and buy what it is that is suggested to them through the different forms of media... so for now LCD will likely out-sell other formats.... till Sony starts to hammer the LED market that is.


surely im not worried with wich technologie out sells the other, and i really can understand the power of information and marketing...

and i agree when you use the sheep example , thats trully the marketing power.....

Forgive them for they know not what they do..... (thats the best way to describe whats happening )

then they get home and whach some action and probably think .... hummm (tv sgnal failed .... bad dvd ..or something...) they dont see the motion blurrr ?????

Well ... there are some lcds that have now a good response time - but then we are talking about diferent budgets ...

- Black Levels
- Response Time

to strong arguments..... that have a great influence in the way we watch tv ...

If people were better informed they would better buy a better tv set and a better image quality - then we would see wich technology out sells the other...

Andrew Everard

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May 30, 2007
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Umm we have both answered the question, but if you'd like some more answers, I'll add

b) Lima

c) it's actually a dolphin, not a whale

d) The Spruce Goose


Andrew Everard:

Umm we have both answered the question, but if you'd like some more answers, I'll add

b) Lima

c) it's actually a dolphin, not a whale

d) The Spruce Goose

Thank You ... i was intersted in your opinion and to know what you have in your home (preferences) but ok....

Andrew Everard

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May 30, 2007
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Clare uses a projector, I have an elderly but still excellent Fujitsu plasma. So neither has any direct bearing on the subject here...

And there's no significant quality difference between plasma and LCD in any aspect of performance these days, to the point where choosing a TV based on its underlying technology, rather than by watching it and picking one you enjoy, is pointless.


humm...very intersting...thank you

your fujitsu is full hd ? i also have an elderly 42" plasma but going to upgrade cause i think its time for me and i deserve movies with blu ray image quality like the rest of the mortals that have it already for a long time ( at weekends its my thing to relax - movies, etc )....

As for the different technology i get your opion and respect it but i dont actually agree, altough maybe you say "these days" some of the arguments/advantage tend/are being resolved ...... and lcds are now more close to plasma...

I also remember few years ago when some iluminated individuos who said plasma technology was ending some of them i dont know why end up buying a plasma , was it because they were afarid of its ending ? lol


When comparing the two, I hope the TVs are testet under various light conditions. In a Scandinavian test recently, the TVs were only testet in what the test team considered 'normal living room light' -- which was what I will call a dark, window-less 'cinema room'.

Myself I need a new TV in a very light room, with a glass wall at one side. I've still not found a test that tells me which kind of technology will make me able to watch TV in the light, Nordic evenings, without covering up all my windows...

Clare Newsome

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Jun 4, 2007
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Myself I need a new TV in a very light room, with a glass wall at one side. I've still not found a test that tells me which kind of technology will make me able to watch TV in the light, Nordic evenings, without covering up all my windows...

Don't buy a plasma, that's for sure. Even the best 'anti-glare' coating on a plasma's reflective front panel won't be enough for those conditions.


Andrew Everard:CM7:your fujitsu is full hd ?
No, but to date I haven't seen a TV able to make a compelling reason to change.

hummm.....intersting ..

so... i guess you dont see much blu ray images, but if you valued it your sure re-think your fujitsu tv set , right ?

im just trying to get your line of thinking cause i'm on the same situation but in my case im adicted to movies, and i would surely apreciated full hd images from blu ray...

Still , i think my old plasma is giving me a reasonable image, so i want to understand your point of view...lets see if i can adopt the same and cancel/or put in "stand by mode" my persuit of 50" tv set for now ..

tell me what you think ,

thank you

Andrew Everard

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May 30, 2007
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CM7:so... i guess you dont see much blu ray images, but if you valued it your sure re-think your fujitsu tv set , right ?
No, we watch Blu-ray discs all the time...


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