Snooker said:
I originated this thread and also agree that in blind tests you would not know which is the more expensive, which just goes to show how good budget stuff is these days, and beleive that most of the higher end gear probably does not sound any better *smile*
Depnds on (1) the budget system you're talking about and (2) the higher end (i.e. expensive) system you're talking about too.
Sure as Sherlock budget hifi has come a long way in the last two decades, whilst "high end" stuff probably hasn't progressed so much. After all, there's not much you can do with the same range of components to choose from, and the boutique manufacturers can't exactly go knocking on the chip manufacturers' door asking them for a
whole dozen new and unique chips. And most budget hifi is probably still let down by budget speakers hooked up with cheap, thin, speaker cables.
There's also a lot of "smoke and mirrors" and branding / advertising style over substance with a lot of mid-price brands. Naming no names, but one brand that rhymes with "nose" and another brand of headphones that rhymes with "eats" spring immediately to mind, and previously well respected brands that have been bought out by conglomerates often trade more on the reputation of the pre-takeover products than on the cheaper to manufacture but still got that badge units that are now being sold under the brand names.
As for whether a 5-star budget system is as good as a 5-star expensive system really isn't on. Supposing you were reviewing cars. You do a review of small budget runabout hatchbacks and decide which one is the best in that price / market sector. You give that one five stars. Now you do a review of luxury large cars, i.e. S-Class Mercs, big Jags, Lexuses (?), Rollers, Bentleys, etc. You decide which one of those is best and give that five stars. Then you do a review of hyper-performance two-seater sportscars, e.g. Ferraris, Lambos, Koeniggeggs (sp) etc. You decide which one of those is best and give it five stars. Now, would it be fair to compare the five-star hatchback to the five-star luxury sedan and / or to the five-star hypercar? No. Of course it wouldn't. And the same applies to hifi. There's no point trying to cmpare Sony, Aiwa, Amstrad, you name it brands from Argos with mid-range brands from your local hifi shop or with boutique brands you can only buy from a very few select dealers. The evaluation criteria are completely different.