You could well be right. However something like a Beresford DAC isn't going to break the bank and will provide the basis of a "digital pre-amp" into which other digital sources can be plugged. It would be interesting to hear what if any differences are noticed between the 52's own DAC and a more modern alternative such as the Beresford.
In any case there's a lot to be said these days for dispensing with the CD player altogether and ripping all your CDs into something like iTunes (use a lossless codec such as Apple Lossless), and plugging into a USB-interfaced DAC such as the Beresford (or if you have tons of money to get rid of, the Benchmark). You're then simply streaming the 1's and 0's that were originally on the CDs from a hard drive instead, and you have all the convenience of being able to find tracks instantly, play at random etc etc. Provided you make sure you follow the advice provided on the Benchmark web site about setting up iTunes and your PC/Mac, then you'll be feeding your DAC with exactly the same information that your CD player's transport would have been feeding to the DAC, so it's going to sound indentical. Which makes you wonder why anyone would bother with a CD player at all these days, and I certainly can't understand any justification for the high-priced "CD Transports" that you see bandied about: what a con they are, except as expensive luxury furniture.