Replace amp & source for LS 50 ( HK 990 for Electrocompaniet ECI 5)


New member
Jan 15, 2011

I'm able to get a Electrocompaniet ECI 5 for 1200 GBP and thought this would be a great step up from my current amp.

I'm probably not able to demo with my speakers so any thoughts on this are welcome.

As a I usze the HK 990 as my source to, I would have to get an amp too, was thinking about the M-DAC.

Will the investment in this combo prove worthwhile over my HK 990? Or will the difference be marginal at best ?

Most definitely YES :exmark:

The HK 990 is a very good and versatile amp and one that I often recommend , but the Electrocompaniet ECI5 is in a whole different league .

I presume that the ECI5 is the mark one version which IMO sounds better than the later version and is the best integrated amp Electrocompaniet have made .

Although I have not heard the combination of ECI5 and LS50 I would imagine they will complement each other perfectly , the Electrocompaniet sounds very dynamic with deep powerful and controlled lower frequencies with the cleanest and most detailed mid and top you could imagine .

The top end can appear to be a little dark but the upper frequencies are not rolled of at all , the warmth and darkness come from a lack of distortion only .

The LS50's strength's of incredible imaging, detail and coherent sound will be boosted by the ECI 5 plus a much more solid and powerful and controlled bottom end than you would think possible .

At £1200 just go for it you really won't regret it :grin:
Okay, I'm going for the amp .. been dreaming of an ECI5 for a couple of years to be honest 🙂

Will decide on source later.

Needs 2 optical inputs and a remote. Any other suggestions besides the M-Dac ?
I've found an AW 120 DMB power amp for slightly less money, so I went for that one.
mpapo said:
I've found an AW 120 DMB power amp for slightly less money, so I went for that one.

Fantastic :grin: but you are going to need a good pre- amp to go with it such as an Electrocompaniet EC 4.7. if you can find one for a good price it would take you up to seriously good system .

The EC 4.7 / AW120 combination is superb but also extremely powerful , don't be fooled by the 120wpc output it punches like a 400wpc amp and has a massive 1.3 kva dual mono power supply that would drive the LS50's without even noticing them 🙂
mpapo said:

I'm able to get a Electrocompaniet ECI 5 for 1200 GBP and thought this would be a great step up from my current amp.

I'm probably not able to demo with my speakers so any thoughts on this are welcome.

As a I usze the HK 990 as my source to, I would have to get an amp too, was thinking about the M-DAC.

Will the investment in this combo prove worthwhile over my HK 990? Or will the difference be marginal at best ?


Hi mpapo,

Sorry I realise this is an old thread but just curious, how did you find the performance of hk 990 with ls50? Obviosly it want good enough?

Looking back, the match was okay I think, most of the upgrade-fever is quite irrational. Nonetheless I've tried out the LS50's with a couple of different amps.

Ayre AX-7E: very clean, dynamic and holographic sound. With holographic I mean that the soundstage really immerses you. Very good partner for the Kefs.

Hegel H80: very similar to the Ayre amp, but it seems a bit more "fun" and makes you tap your feet more.

Densen DM20 - DM30 pre/power combi : although these amps have a large following I couldn't quite get on with them. Compared with the Ayre I thought they were not clean sounding enough and missed some soundstage.

HK990: Has all the power you can dream of, and drives the Kefs well. But misses some of the magic that the Ayre and Hegel amps can get out of them. But, if you can get the amp at a good price, you can be sure that the match is just fine.
Ok thanks.

I'm just not sure if HK 990 would be an upgrade from Marantz Pearl Lite, which I personally like, just trying to find a way to get more bass out of LS50's.
Hi mpapo ,

Did you manage to compare an Electro amp with any of the amps you mention ? My instinct still tells me that the Eci3 or Eci5 ( especially the Eci3 ) would be a perfect match . 🙂

I see you have settled on the Hegel , I heard some of their older models a few years ago and was very impressed 🙂
At the time I eventually didn't buy the Electro and bought the Ayre amp because the price was just too good to resist. Then sold the Ayre due to WAF ....
In two Hi-Fi magazines, I've read reviews in which they state that Kef uses Electrocompaniet and Arcam amplifiers to test their speakers—the former as high-end and high-power, and the latter as a lower-price reference. They specifically cite Nemo monoblocks and Arcam FMJ A38 in combinatiion with the Blade, R-series and LS50.

This does not automatically make the ECI5 a great match, but I guess it's worth considering.


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