Question Rega P1 vs Audio Technica AT-LP3


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2019
Hello Guys,
I am quite new to the turntable scene. Based on my budget and most reviews, I am narrowing it down to 2 options:
1. Rega Planar 1
2. Audio Technica AT-LP3

I am not after a state-of-the-art audiophile setup. Just easy, weekend listening with minimal to no calibration, plug-and-play type of setup. My current component/s is an old-school Musical Fidelity B1 amp, with Monitor Audio Silver 2 speakers.
I was more inclined to getting the Rega, simply because of the all-UK configuration. But when I heard about the LP3, it could be a good option as well.

Have you guys compared these 2? Which is better in terms of sound quality, and ease of maintenance?

Thanks in advance
The Rega would be my choice. But, I believe it comes with the Carbon cartridge, which is not the best. Speak to the dealer about having an upgraded cart fitted - you won't regret it.

Thank you for your suggestions chris_bates1974 and Al ears. I plan to upgrade them to an Ortofon 2M in the future. But I'll bet the stock cartridge would still sound good, and will surely make the most out of it first. 🙂
Most who plan upgrades to the cartridge from the Carbon would tend to go with Audio Technica due to a lack of shims. The AT95E won't break the bank. Try to ask your dealer for a deal without the Carbon
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Thanks for your comments. In that case, I don't think the Ortofon would be my option. I don't plan on modifying the turntable that would meddle its "physics". Is there a non-Rega cartridge out there that's simply a plug-and-play type? No shimming, no special fitting whatsoever? But I've heard good reviews about the Bias 2, being a decent upgrade as well.
As I've said try the AT95E or other cartridges, infact the Rega Carbon is an AT91, just rebadged. So look at the Audio Technica line, and audition some.
Audition some cartridges! This is nigh on impossible without actually purchasing them on a trial and error basis. The only way to audition carts is on youtube... not the best method.

Just buy the Planar and see how you get on, the cartridge will either be to your liking or not. If not then the AT's are a way forward.
Audition some cartridges! This is nigh on impossible without actually purchasing them on a trial and error basis. The only way to audition carts is on youtube... not the best method.

Just buy the Planar and see how you get on, the cartridge will either be to your liking or not. If not then the AT's are a way forward.
Exactly Doug. Anyone ever try to audition some cartridges? Wouldn't use YouTube to audition anything the whole idea is pointless.
Hi Guys,

I have a concern...My MF B1's phono preamp setting can switch bewtween MC (Moving Coill) or MM (Moving Magnet). Since the stock cartridge of the P1 is MM, I set my preamp to MM, of course. However, I am getting sound from only one side / 1 channel (left only). But when I switched the preamp to MC, that's when both sides worked (left and right).

Should this be a cause for concern? Or is this a major issue?
Hi Guys,

I have a concern...My MF B1's phono preamp setting can switch bewtween MC (Moving Coill) or MM (Moving Magnet). Since the stock cartridge of the P1 is MM, I set my preamp to MM, of course. However, I am getting sound from only one side / 1 channel (left only). But when I switched the preamp to MC, that's when both sides worked (left and right).

Should this be a cause for concern? Or is this a major issue?
Major concern if you cannot get stereo from the MM stage as usually the phono preamp is the same for both rather than having a separate one for MM and MC.
Double check all you connections, if all else fails get a MC cartridge...... ;-)
Major concern if you cannot get stereo from the MM stage as usually the phono preamp is the same for both rather than having a separate one for MM and MC.
Double check all you connections, if all else fails get a MC cartridge...... ;-)

Thanks Al ears. What's the worst thing that could happen if I keep playing the MM cartridge on an MC preamp setting?
I'll let Al fill in more detail as I'm not a MC owner and he's far more experienced than I. I would have thought that using the MC setting with a MM there would be far too much gain... too loud. Not sure how this would affect the amp with continual use, but there is definitely something wrong here that needs investigating..
Thanks Al ears. What's the worst thing that could happen if I keep playing the MM cartridge on an MC preamp setting?
As Doug's says there will be too much gain applied. I have never tried it and wouldn't like to long term. Personally I would get the photo stage looked at. My statement about getting a MC cartridge was said somewhat in jest and wouldn't benefit you long term
A cheaper option would be to buy an external MM phono stage and connecting that to your amps Aux inputs this completely bypassing a suspect internal phono preamp
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As Doug's says there will be too much gain applied. I have never tried it and wouldn't like to long term. Personally I would get the photo stage looked at. My statement about getting a MC cartridge was said somewhat in jest and wouldn't benefit you long term
A cheaper option would be to buy an external MM phono stage and connecting that to your amps Aux inputs this completely bypassing a suspect internal phono preamp

Thank you, Al. Appreciate your suggestion. Yeah, I don't think I can buy an MC cartridge for now, hehehe. Looks like there is a problem with my MF amp because I tested this on another amp and it works fine. I'll consider getting an external MM phono. 🙂