Vladimir said:
OK. *biggrin*
Those same cheap parts go in Meridian, Naim, Rega, Roksan, nothing to loose sleep over. What is interesting about the Elex-R is the amp topology, which is a 60 year old tube amp, the Mullard EL84. I am really currious how this modern SS recreation sounds/amplifies. Particullary how it reproduces instrument timbre and the lower frequency time domain (how it interacts with the woofer). Is a cello raspy and crisp or deep and full? Can you hear a difference between a fretless and fretted bass guitar? Can you differentiate different drum kit tuning for rock, jazz and metal etc. If those don't mush together sounding the same, that is a bloody good amp.
Terry Bateman used the Mullard (which used EL84s obviously) as the basis for design on the Brio R & Elicit R too. The reasoning behind was to get it sounding clean with no colouration as much as possible.
I owned an Elicit R for some months, its a very transparent, clean amp which showed up poor recordings for what they were and displayed beautifully how well some music is mastered. To me this is how an amp should sound - not coloured.
Have not heard the Elex R, but would imagine its a lovely sounding amp - dont worry about the innards - just bloody enjoy the thing!