This is a good thread- clever banter and reflects upon the end of the CDP ?
BTW, I have the same frustration with my Nait CD5X ! No digital out/in.
The good people of Salisbury will do a factory mod - called the CD5XT which will give me a digital out/in , but I haven't priced it yet. I hesitate wondering whether in fact I should sell the unit and use a cheap CDP or Notebook and buy a Naim Dac ?
I have a Beresford Caiman ( arguably better than the Dac Magic ) into a Nait XS feeding Spendor A6's . Very nice it is too and with certain Spotify recordings it gives the straight CD5X into the NAIT XS with the Flatcap 2x a good contest.
So will I get an appreciably better sound by modding the CD5X so that it can be hooked up to the Caiman, the Rega Dac or if funds allow the Naim Dac ? How do you measure if the internal dac on my current CD5X is" better " than the external dac of the Caiman/ Rega etc
At what point does the old become obsecelent ? I realise that an external dac offers flexibility for other spurces in addition to an acceptable, sometimes remarkable sound.
Views please
AVR Denon 2309, Pana 37 ,
Speakers: Fronts- Spendor A6,
Rears -B and W 685 , Sub B and W 608
Centre B and W CM 1
Nait XS, Nait CD5X, Flatcap 2x,
Cables Naca 5, Merlin Mozart, Chord Chrimson ,
Dac -Beresford Caiman,
Dock - Denon ASD3W,
Blu Ray Pana BD 35