Rega Apollo CD


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I'm looking to upgrade my hi fi system starting with my Marantz 52 MKII CD player and would welcome any comments on the Rega Apollo which is on offer for £475 at my local store......or are there any better/cheaper options I should consider.

It would at the moment be matched with my Arcam alpha 5 amp and Castle Isis speakers.

Also please what amp would be a good partner for the Rega Apollo.

Appreciate any help you can give me.


IMO, there is no better CDP at its normal RRP so to get it for £475 is a steal.

After recent auditions I would recoomend you listen to some Naim amplification Nait 5i or Nait XS. You did not mention a budget.
Many people on here rate the Apollo highly. I personally haven't heard it, but some do say it is quite analytical sounding. So it depends on your preference. Alternatively, at a similar price, I would go with the Exposure 2010s. When I heard that on an A65 (roughly the equivilent to the Alpha 7) it sounded cracking.

If you're looking for a cheaper option, I'd look at either Arcam CD72T or 73. You can pick these up dirt cheap second hand - a perfect sonic match for the Alpha 5.
The Apollo is not 'on offer'.

Rega have had a 'price re-alignment' for their Apollo and Saturn models. (To celebrate selling 50,000 players)

The Saturn has gone down from £1271 to £898 and the Apollo from £586 to £475. These are not ex-dem or 'one-off' special prices. They are now the standard Rega prices for these two players at any UK Rega dealer.

I have heard the Apollo a lot in the recent past and consider it an excellent and very musical player.(It was the only other player I considered when buying my Naim CD5i back in April.)

You ask about a partnering amp and I don't think you could do much better (at the price) than Rega's own Brio 3 amplifier for £322.

Your Castle Isis speakers will sound pretty good with this combination. It should be easy to get your dealer to demo both together.
matthewpiano:The Apollo is, IMO, the best CD player below £1k. Thumbs up to the Naim amplification recommendation as well - the Apollo works VERY well with a Nait 5i.

I would say it is now (at £475) the best value CD player below £1000 and will work extremely well with the Nait 5i as commented on already.

I found the decision a very hard one to decide between CD5i and Apollo, but the Naim CD5i was just the better CD player in the context of an all Naim set-up.

However, that might not be true outside of a Naim system, and the CD5i now costs almost twice as much as the Apollo with the recent Rega price changes. (I got a special ex-dem package price saving me £166 on the Naim pair which influenced things a bit too
THe Apollo is a great CD player, probably the best under £500/600. Anyone who isn't too keen on a 'CD sounding' CD player, should definitely have this on their shortlist.
Superb CDP and a steal as new for that price. Very natural sounding and will go with anything! I probably wouldn't spend any more with that amp and speakers too.
FrankHarveyHiFi:Anyone who isn't too keen on a 'CD sounding' CD player, should definitely have this on their shortlist.

Umm, what does that mean?

I'm looking to add a CD player to my AV setup and the Apollo was defintely one option. The price drop makes it even more attractive. I have a Yamaha RX-V3900 and Tannoy Revolution Signature DC4T front speakers, would the Rega Apollo be a good fit?
It means that some people find CD a bit too precise, a bit too digital. You can recreate emotions with analogue (vinyl). Rega is famed for giving a performance especially with vocals that nears a "live" performance.
I think that statement is meant to say that it's not an analytical sounding player but one that goes for a rhythmic, clean and musical approach; exactly how it sounded to me!

The rega apollo is a very good sounding machine. Much better than the Arcams, creeks, marantz, nads, cambridge in its price range. The Rega apollo is probably the best at its price if its that cheap. The three I like Naim 5i, rega apollo and consonance cd-120 linear are all very muscial machines, the cyrus 6s is probably a good machine too.


I used to own the Rega Apollo and a Roksan Kandy LIII which played through EPOS M22 speakers and they were great.

IMO, the Rega Apollo is still the best cd player under £600.00....and I've had lots of different hi-fi equipment!

It has a very neutral and analytical sound
- not bright, not warm, but fluid and just right!

Highly recommended!

Rega Apollo is a super choice and one canït go wrong buying it
Many Thanks, everyone, really appreciate the feedback which is great.

It sounds as though most people like the Rega Apollo and for the present 'offer' price its a steal.

I'm having a preview tomorrow and having a home demo through to next week so hopefully will see how my Alpha 5 and Castle Isis speakers perform with the CD.

I love the Isis speakers and hope they are 'big' enought to cope with what is thrown at them.

Thanks again everyone your valuable knowledge has really helped a newbie.

igglebert:I think that statement is meant to say that it's not an analytical sounding player but one that goes for a rhythmic, clean and musical approach; exactly how it sounded to me!

I was using 'analytical' in comparison to the Exposure, when I asked for opinions earlier in the year. Factor in that it's a WHFI award winner proves it's a very appealing machine - even more so at the reduced price.
Not sure on the capabilities/qualities of the Castles, but my CDP (see below) worked very well with the Arcam Alpha 5, which I owned until earlier this year. If you can find one on ex-dem/end of line, then it would make a good source. Circa the £600 mark, you ought to be able to make a good saving if you can find one. Sound quality is simply excellent.

Many Thanks, everyone, really appreciate the feedback which is great.

It sounds as though most people like the Rega Apollo and for the present 'offer' price its a steal.

I'm having a preview tomorrow and having a home demo through to next week so hopefully will see how my Alpha 5 and Castle Isis speakers perform with the CD.

I love the Isis speakers and hope they are 'big' enought to cope with what is thrown at them.

Thanks again everyone your valuable knowledge has really helped a newbie.


Are you planning to upgrade your amp in the near future?
Plasticpenguin, yes, hope to upgrade the amp asap. I will hopefully be having a home trial with the Rega Brio 3 amp as well.

Would welcome any other amps that you think may suit the system. Would like to keep the Castle Isis speakers (unless this proves to be the weak link in the system).....don't know why, just have an affinity to my mind they look good and had a 5* rating in their day.

Thanks for all your help.

Well the system synergy should be top notch if you like the sound of Rega amplification. Enjoy your demos

Plasticpenguin, yes, hope to upgrade the amp asap. I will hopefully be having a home trial with the Rega Brio 3 amp as well.

Would welcome any other amps that you think may suit the system. Would like to keep the Castle Isis speakers (unless this proves to be the weak link in the system).....don't know why, just have an affinity to my mind they look good and had a 5* rating in their day.

Thanks for all your help.


As far as amps go, I would look at Roksan Kandy, Creek EVO or Nad. Even Marantz PM 7001 would be a good bet, even better, if you can get hold of KI version.
plastic penguin:
igglebert:I think that statement is meant to say that it's not an analytical sounding player but one that goes for a rhythmic, clean and musical approach; exactly how it sounded to me!

I was using 'analytical' in comparison to the Exposure, when I asked for opinions earlier in the year. Factor in that it's a WHFI award winner proves it's a very appealing machine - even more so at the reduced price.

Yeah, fair-play plastic penguin.

Good luck with it camerashy. It's a stunning CDP for that money.
Im looking for a new CD player below £500 - i dont want to spend anymore as i dont seem to play CD's as often and soon buying a sonos set up - the apollo sonds a good starting point. I am also intersted in the rega RS5's speakers and possibly a naim XS amp. I would be interested in your thoughts on the apollo and the RS5's if they offer you a listen (cheeky i know!!). Enjoy your demo.

No problem Dan, will be happy to report back. I will be trying the apollo with the RS1's as I already have bookshelf speakers.

Let you know how I get on.




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