Perfect timing! I have just upgraded the cables for my RS1's this week. I was using QED Silver Anniversary XT, but I found the sound a bit too "in my face". I took the plunge, dug deep in to my less than bottomless pockets, and invested in some Chord Odyssey 2. Not cheap at just shy of £20 p/m, (terminated), but I am using the RS1's with kit that is not really considered "budget" so I figured in for a penny, in for a pound as the long term plan is to upgrade the speakers as well.
Now, I have read a lot, (and by that I mean a lot), about the difference that cables do or don't make to a system. I consider myself to be a pragmatist who is prepared to listen to both sides of an argument before coming to my own conclusion, so it was with some trepidation that I unpacked my shiny, and for some reason slightly sticky?, new cables. The view I took was that if they made no difference to my system I could recoup most of my cash on eBay so what did I have to lose?
I connected them up, in went my favourite Muse CD on repeat, and out to work I went to give them a good day's worth of burn-in. The naysayers will also tell you that burn in is not possible. So, how did it sound? Did it make a difference? Yes sir it did! My RS1's have completely disappeared and have been replaced by a balanced, sweet and extraordinarily vast sound stage. Bass is tight and attacking and vocals simply float around in front of me. Without a doubt the Odyssey 2 is the most cost affective upgrade that I have ever purchased.
Prepare yourself for those who will tell you that the above description of audio alchemy is complete codswallop and that I am suffering from "Emperor's new clothes" syndrome. Well if this is that then long live the king and his flashy wardrobe, 'cos this chap is convinced! If you can afford it then go for the Odyssey 2 mate. Don't take my word for it though, pop down to your local Hifi emporium and ask the nice men and women there to lend you a pair and see for yourself!