rdac into Cambridge Audio 640c v2;

Sliced Bread

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2010
Hi All,

I know the best route to get better stereo performance is to add a stereo amp (something I've looked at carefully), but I'm moving house next year so I'm going to hold out until then and buy a new stereo amp and speakers.

However until then, the description of the rdac sound seems like it should help me get a more comfortable listen in my current setup. Do you know if I will receive any benefits (in particular the tonal balance change) by adding the rdac to myCambridge Audio 640c v2 via coax, or will it sound pretty much the same?

Hey Sliced Bread...havent heard the rdac yet. However, a dac will easily improve sound quality. You can try the dac-magic which wont alter your systems sound but will give you more of the good stuff (details, separation and soundstaging). You can try the rdac too hopefully the rdac will add more bass to your system and make it more neutral
Thanks Shafesk.

It seems like a stupid question, but I've read a lot of different threads from people who have said that a dac makes very little difference to a cd player. I agree with you that it should make a difference so I'm going to pick one up for a home demo along with some new speakers, just as soon as I can get my hands on a wireless version
Not heard the rDAC, so can't comment on that one I'm afraid. If you can home demo with no commitment of purchase then do it.

shafesk:You can try the dac-magic which wont alter your
systems sound but will give you more of the good stuff (details,
separation and soundstaging).

Personally, I wouldn't spend £230 on a DacMagic solely to put on a 640C v2. That money could be much better spent elsewhere to get more than the subtle improvement that this approach would give. The DacMagic is great for things like music streaming etc. but I think you would be disappointed if you only wanted it for CD playback on your 640C. Yes a different DAC can change the sound, but not that much with this particular combo.

You mention an uncomfortable listen. To help others help you I think you should give a bit more detail about what you mean by that. I'm guessing you're probably going to mention 'bright' or 'sibilant' - DacMagic won't do that much about that I'm afraid - nicer sound, but similar presentation.

If your only intention is for CD playback, then personally I'd say hold off - put that money towards the new amp and speakers you intend on getting when you move. Then upgrade the source later.
I agree with Manassas here, I read wrong...I thought the 640 is ur amplifier (my bad)! You will notice an improvement...however, it will not be as big as if you use the dacmagic with your pc or your blue-ray player you mentioned. I would suggest you spend the same amount of money on a stereo amplifier rather than using your av receiver. About 300 quid should get you a 640a...if you want to spend 400 richer sounds are doing the 740a at that price (seems like a limited time offer). I have used my speakers with a medium end av receiver and my current budget stereo amp.....wanna guess which one I kept? If you wanna do music...trust me on this a stereo receiver will trump an av receiver any day...even the high end av receivers dont seem to be too good at music


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