Question to WHF team on Dynaudio Focus 110 Test partners


New member
Nov 15, 2007
Hi I am hugely impressed with Focus 110, so if WHF doesn't mind can you please tell me which Amp and CD players were used during the review test and which one were the best partners. I tested these with Roksan K2 they were amazing so wondering with other amp will they even sound better, if they do, I need to pick up every penny from my savings. I hope the tested amp will not cost a bomb
Thank you.
Why not spend the extra money and get the active Dynaudio 110A's? (Much cheaper than a pair of 110's and a Roksan K2.)

A Beresford Caiman DAC (£250) will provide variable output (volume control) and allow you to plug in a cost effective one box player solution like a Sony BDP-760 to play Blu-Ray/DVD and CDs and you can plug in your laptop too.
Totally agree with Chebby.

If you do let us know the results as I'm sure many of us are wondering if this is a way forward.
I did listened to Active Focus 110 with Sonos, I found the sound lacking little detail, weight and sound stage smaller compared to the Roksan / 110 passive combo.

Secondly I also had concerns with active models guarantee which is 2 years compare to passive 5 years, other issue is upgrade ability with 110 passive/amp combo at later stage I have the possibility to replace amp or speakers.


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