Question: Cambridge Azur 540cv2


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Aug 10, 2019
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Hi there, I want to buy a Cambridge Audio Azur 540cv2 here in the Netherlands. Even though it's easy to come by this CD player, the price is quite a lot higher then in the UK. The price here is about 470 Euro's w/shipping, and that would be 318 pounds sterling... quite shocking really. My question therefore is: can anybody give me directions on a good (internet)store that ships to Holland, so I can get my hands on this player for about the same price as in the UK? Many thanks!

Andrew Everard

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May 30, 2007
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Don't think you'll have any luck with an online store in the UK - Cambridge Audio is sold here exclusively by Richer Sounds, and unfortunately its mail-order service will only ship to addresses in the UK.

And having done some searching, it seems that price you quote is fairly typical across mainland Europe: I guess the lower UK price is down to Richer Sounds being both the distributor and retailer here, whereas in the rest of Europe the products have a conventional distributor selling to retailers, which means two sets of mark-up are involved.

Clare Newsome

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Jun 4, 2007
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If you're not desparate to buy, we're testing some other CD players around the same price up against the Cambridge in a Group Test next issue (October issue, out August 23rd). With players including the new Marantz CD6002 and the new budget Pioneer player, you may find an alternative that works out better in value terms where you are....


Thank you both for your replies. I might just buy a Easyjet ticket to London to get one myself! In the meanwhile I got a tip, it seems an internet shop in the Netherlands (called 'a better',lol) sells for just above the UK market price ('bout 390 E). I 'll be happily waiting for your october issue however, even though I'm still waiting for the september issue (little distribution delay to Holland I suppose). It might just become a nice christmas gift!


[quote user="Pim"]... even though I'm still waiting for the september issue (little distribution delay to Holland I suppose). ...[/quote]

I got my September issue last Thursday (I live in the Netherlands as well), so it should arrive shortly...


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