Question About HDMI 1.4


New member
Jun 9, 2009
Just a quick one , just something i noticed . I take it that the HDMI 1.4 cables are meant for future 3D reception?

So what does the PS3 use and will after the update will it need the HDMI 1.4 cables to make it work or will it be limited to 1.3 ?

Could someone just educate me a little please
All Hdmi cables certified for high speed will work fine with any Hdmi 1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4 Device as the cables is just a carrier, 1.3 compliant cables will not have the Audio return and ethernet capability but for the rest will work fine. Seems that the PS3 will be doing most of the 3d work onboard and will work fine with the current harware. As far as i Know, if I am wrong just correct me pls....


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