Quad 44 making strange noises


New member
Aug 10, 2019
For quite a bit my Quad 44 preamp has been making weird noises coming from the inside.

Like a clicking sound.

The sound mostly happens when I play music, both on vinyl and CD.

We have checked everything, Input connections and inside the preamp etc, but everything looks intact.

I bought this preamp about 3 months ago off ebay, it was serviced by Quad in 2007. It was working super and free of clicking noises. Then a month later I wanted to get my preamp upgraded, I sent it to a man called Stuart (Likes to be known as the 405man) for a full upgrade.
When the preamp came back it was better than ever, but 2 months later the clicking noises was starting to come.

I'll go and find the Quad service paper work to see what work was done to it.

If anyone has had a Quad 44 and has had problems like what i'm having. Please let me know.


Not personally familiar with the internals of a 44 pre but clicking noises like you describe probably point to a relay....I cant think of anything else that would make a clicking noise.

As far as getting it sorted, dont know how kindly quad will take to having one of their units serviced by an 'outsider'. Sometimes if something has been worked on by an unauthorised person they will have nothing to do with it....dont know if thats the case in this instance though. In the first instance though its worth having a word with 405man who may have an answer to whats happening..maybe he changed something in there thats gone duff...dont know..just trying to offer advice.
Yh, i'll send the pre to him next week. See how it goes from there.


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