QNAP: confused, + UPnP question


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2007
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Hi All,

Well I took the plunge and bought a QNAP TS-112. Setup was much easier than I thought, and I'm pleased with how easily it all got up and running.

I think I've bitten off more than my novice networking skills can manage with the QNAP though. I find the web-interface bewilderingly crammed with features and boxes I don't understand, and consulting the manual just serves to make me panic further - it seems pretty inpenetrable to me.

I'm wondering if I should have gone for something cheaper, cheesier, and idiot-proof, or whether the QNAP will bare fruit in time. One thing's for sure, if I figure it out, I'm not sure anyone else in the house will.

One specific issue concerning me is the media server functionality. I really wanted a NAS to do backup from the various computers in the house, and to provide one central music library for everyone.

I am planning to buy a streamer and stream music from the NAS using an iOS control app for whichever product I end up getting.

Reading the UPnP server info in the QNAP manual, it only mentions MP3 as a music format. I'm guessing this is just a lack of clarity in the manual, and they've used MP3 to mean a variety of music sources. I'd be rather upset to say the least if this meant the QNAP only serves up MP3 via UPnP.

Anybody know anything about UPnP file support? Is it determined by what formats the receiving device is compatible with - a network receiver for example, or by the NAS server?
