The cable is very good indeed as I have it on my main system.
Just one word of warning, if you are going to terminate it yourself, or even get a shop to do it, it is an absolute pain in the posterior to terminate.
When you cut off the outer layer of protection, you are left ith the inner tube, but the 10 strands of ÿmetal are also covered in think plastic. ÿYou have to strip back every one of these before you can add bannana plugs to it.
Remember that is at every end, and it is very time consuming.
I took it to music matters, and the guy behind the desk told me I was having a laugh, and it would cost a fortune to terminate.
I did it myself in the end, but you will need a sharp stanley knife blade and be very careful when stripping the inner plastic of the very small diameter cables, otherwise you can cut straight through it!
I must admit, it is very much worth it in the end, but I would set a full day aside for it and be prepared to cut your fingers too, or get the metal stuck in them....
Good luck!ÿ