** Version 2.0 fixes this problem **
Folks, so this is what I believe the situation to be and I invite PURE to comment and correct me accordingly.
I believe there are TWO versions of the Evoke -3 radio that are identical in looks, that I will call the Evoke -3 and the PURE Evoke -3. At the time of writting the Evoke-3 s/w is freely available on the PURE web page and is at version 1.8. The PURE Evoke-3 runs version 2.0 firmware and is NOT on the PURE website.
Version 1.8 and 2.0 are not compatable, so if you have the 1.8 version radio and it is hung at the "waiting for update" screen then an update to 1.8 will fix it. *BUT* if you have the 'other' radio then the vsn 1.8 is not compatable and your Evoke-3 radio will sit there not recognising the V1.8 and do nothing - so will just sit there forever waiting for an update.
PURE tell me that they will soon make vsn 2.0 available to the "consumer" soon free of charge .......
I suggest you contact the PURE tech support in order to get a version if it does not appear very soon.
Despite many repeated claims from PURE that I had a hardware fault :wall: it simply needed the right s/w to reflash the radio - so DO NOT send it to Scotalnd for a chargeable repair until you are certain you have the correct version of s/w !!!!
.....and how do you know what kind of radio you have if it's just sat there 'waiting for upgrade'
Well all I know is my radio advertised itself as a PID 012a and not 0112 on the USB port ....as described in my earlier post.
FYI - if you have a working radio, go to the Software update screen from the menu system and it shows the version - mine is on 2.0 ! When I plug the power into the radio the start up 'banner' on the LCD display says "PURE Evoke - 3" ....
I would be interested to know if a version 1.8 radio also has the same 'banner'.