Pure Evoke 3 Major Problems

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Thanks Chebby you were able to tell me something that Pure didn't tell me. I had realised that DAB+ might be some time away and I'm relieved to hear that my radio will work for a number of years to come. It's a pity that DAB reception and sound quality are not always as good as the BBC and Classic FM would have us believe though.
My unit, about 3 yrs old suddenly started turning on and not turning off. After a day of that it has now died completely and I'm suspecting that Pure support will not be too helpful.

Very disappointing for a "market leader" product
After searching the web came across this forum - and although disappointing to find no cure for this problem (and mine is the exact same problem as yours) at least I can stop thinking that I'm doing something wrong or trying to find a repairer - oh well it was good while it lasted
My radio has failed again. It has worked fine since I 'fixed' it (see earlier posts) But last night was totally dead when I went to use it, same symptoms, if I remove power and reconnect, it briefly comes to life for around a second, thennothing

Has anyone else had a failure on Tuesday like this? (It was a Tuesday last time too)

This evening, I again stripped the radio down and I think that after disconnecting and then reconecting C6 (one of the connectors on the rear panel which connects to the front panel) The radio burst into life again

Hope this may be of help to others
I tried the C6 connector but still no luck.

Surely there is a case against Pure here. Think about it all our radio's were working fine until the update message appeared. Pure could be accused of corrupting them.

Does anyone know how the Pure update message gets to the radio in the first place? Once I know this then I might well seek legal advice.

Don't let the B******S get away with this.
Is anyone else having problems with Pure's software - thelounge.com?

I can't seem to get any internet radio stations at the moment on my avanti flow. According to their website they "are aware of problems".

Is this something that happens often - ironically I was just praising the radio to my other half but I'm now concerned that I have spent an awful lot of money on something that is let down by its software.
Not usually a problem, but there does seem to be a glitch right now. Assume they'll try and fix it as soon as they can.
Getting internet stations again now on my Pure Flow, and it's just downloaded another software upgrade (v2.4) so that might help.
Hi Folks

I'm afraid to say I'm another swallow

Shortly after BBC6 music was saved my evoke pure evoke 3 stopped switching on/powering up. This was early July.

I didn't experience any problems leading up to this event it just seemed to have decided that it had had enough!!It hasn't come to life at all since then. I have checked whether it is the power supply which it was not-this remained warm.

I have tried doing all the various downloads and resets suggested by Pure and yourselfs but the radio just won't power up- it is totally dead.

I have never updated the software on my radio-today was the first time I've ever plugged it into the computer. I didn't realise you had to update. I also wasn't aware of any update messages in the build up to the Evoke's death.

I have written to Pure outlining my problems and I am awaiting a response-I am not very hopeful though!!!

Not really sure where to go from here. It is out of warranty suprise suprise. So apart from writing Pure a stinking letter I'm lost.

Anyone had any great success yet?

Many thanks

A very sad pure swallow-I loved my radio so much.
Hi Radiobox

Like you I am in mourning for the sudden demise of my Pure Evoke 3 which after only three years service as my kitchen radio now refuses to power up. I contacted Pure who have sent me a new mains cable - but it still will not work. I did have a request for the software to be updated in May which I duly did and then all of a sudden about three weeks ago ......... nothing!

What I cannot understand is why Pure Technical Services tell me that as my radio is out of warranty it is not possible to repair it due to non-availability of spare parts as I thought that the Evoke 3 was a current model. They have offered me a discount off another new radio from their range but I can't say that I feel inclined to buy a brand where after a life of three years you are advised to throw it away.

I will be venting my anger in a letter to Pure Customer Services because althought they may feel that it is OK to spend the best part of £200 on a radio which lasts for three years - I don't.
I'm becoming very confused by this thread, as although it's headed "Pure Evoke-3 Major Problems", several of the posts clearly refer to the Pure FLOW radio, while several others refer to "software update requests" on the Evoke-3, which have never occurred on mine, and are not referenced anywhere in the manual.

The Evoke-3 *should* be manual firmware update only, via a Windows-only download, driver install, and USB sideload (which I've even run successfully in virtual machines on Mac OS X). It shouldn't prompt for, or attempt, off-air updates at all.

The Evoke-3 is the big wood-veneer radio with twin speakers, a built-in SD card slot, no WiFi/internet capability, and the logo "Evoke-3" at the top right of the front panel. Is everyone posting here SURE that's what they've got?

It may be me that's missing something, of course...
Humm yes ive got abit confused as well... the Pure Evoke 3... the big wooden handbag deffo has no wifi capability... so why are some peeps refering to it??... yes my evoke3 has also gone bonkers.. well its been bonkers for over 2 years now... my problem is with playing mp3's from sd... the track names come up but they wont play... or if they do play and you want to fast forward the radio just locks up or starts fastforwarding through all the tracks... deffo software related.. i have chargepak installed... sometime the pack will get very hot as it seems the software wont tell it its full!!... its just a mad old thing... great sounding when it works though!!
Sorry to but in here and as you are all having Pure problems.

Can anyone answer my query to my Pure One problem a few posts down ? Responce has been quiet to say the least - Sizzers responded to the 2nd part of my question but no one has got back to the first part about my dead ( but flashing Pure One ).

Any responce to the post would be welcome especially if their is a Pure master reset procedure ?
Just to add to the evidence... my Evoke 3 died a couple of weeks ago, almost exactly four years to the day since I bought it. Came up with the 'update' screen one day for no reason at all. None of the buttons would do anything. Completely dead. I have never connected it to the internet. Used the cable suggested to link to Pure site to try and sort it out, but laptop didn't recognise anything was connected at all.

Having found this correspondence, feel very cross that I have gone through what is clearly now a Pure 'script' to fob off people who are out of warranty. Like others I have been invited to select another model and get an unspecified discount. What a cheek!

Think I will follow up the Roberts recommendations. I am lost without John Humphreys waking me up, not to mention Chill sending me to sleep... Sigh
Just had the same problem myself, had the Pure Evoke 3 for just over 2 years, now out of warranty.

I've never run an update on it, never connected it to a PC and it doesn't have wifi on it, so I'm assuming its got the factory setting software/firmware/hardware.

However, one morning, turned the radio on and no power at all. Power cable is fine (tested with multimeter - its giving 12V), so not sure what the problem (or solution) is. Stripped the radio down, no obvious lose connections.

Will try alternate power sources, but it looks like *another* Pure Evoke 3 might be dead. If so, very unhappy to lose a radio that has given us two years of heavy and enjoyable use. It is mysteriously just after to the warranty expiration date of two years.
A quick post to report the same symptoms as others. My Evoke-3 was bought at the end of 2007, so it's a little over three years old. I've been having the 'waiting for software update' screen intermittently for the past few months, but previously a simple soft restart was enough to clear it.

Last weekend however this problem seems to have become more serious. The radio now appears to be fairly comprehensively dead using the normal controls on the fascia - I haven't investigated the internals so far.

Suspecting firmware corruption, I tried downloading and applying the latest patch, following the guidance posted upthread (and repeated in the PURE customer support webpages) but the installation wizard appears to be defective for me - I get as far as the point where you are supposed to connect the USB cable, click next and nothing happens (for 10s of minutes at least since I left it doing it's things whilst I got some lunch). There are only 'Back' and 'Cancel' options at this point in the wizard, so no obvious way to proceed.


My dad had a Pure Evoke 2 that stopped working around 6 months ago, he contacted them to be told nothing could be done about it and that they could offer a discount on a new one. Lovely, that is all you need another piece off their junk. So left with no other choice my dad asked my to sell it on ebay as faulty and for parts. Got around £25 for something that was around £200 in it's day. I will never go near any of their products.
Can someone please confirm what the latest FW version for Evoke-3 is? Their website says 1.8 whereas the radio itself shows it as V2.0.

emthree said:
Can someone please confirm what the latest FW version for Evoke-3 is? Their website says 1.8 whereas the radio itself shows it as V2.0.


I've just checked my Evoke-3, which was manually upgraded, as described above, with the V1.8 firmware in March 2010, and still works fine despite having been dropped since!

If I go to Menu->Software Update, underneath the "Check USB" prompt, the version number is V1.8, NOT V2.0.TIA.

As I keep asking on this thread, are you SURE you have an Evoke-3, again as described above? If so, then we may be nearer to resolving this issue; perhaps somehow, some Evoke-3s have managed to get the wrong firmware on them.

Do any of the earlier posters have Evoke-3s that can still be booted to check the firmware version?
daveloc said:
emthree said:
Can someone please confirm what the latest FW version for Evoke-3 is? Their website says 1.8 whereas the radio itself shows it as V2.0.


I've just checked my Evoke-3, which was manually upgraded, as described above, with the V1.8 firmware in March 2010, and still works fine despite having been dropped since!

If I go to Menu->Software Update, underneath the "Check USB" prompt, the version number is V1.8, NOT V2.0.TIA.

As I keep asking on this thread, are you SURE you have an Evoke-3, again as described above? If so, then we may be nearer to resolving this issue; perhaps somehow, some Evoke-3s have managed to get the wrong firmware on them.

Do any of the earlier posters have Evoke-3s that can still be booted to check the firmware version?

Thanks for the response. I checked with Pure. They tell me that my radio hardware is a later version with SF V2.X and that my version, i.e. 2.0 is the latest. V1.8 is the latest version for the older version of these radios. Just to add that I was merely curious to know and haven't had any problem with the radio which I bought off the ebay only a month or so ago. I haven't had any problem with my Evoke 2-XT either that I have owned for over a couple of years now! These are great peices of kit so far as I am concerned.

This is the copy paste response from Evoke:

"Thanks for your e-mail.

Your radio is a newer hardware revision than the original Evoke-3, this means your radio runs 2.x software. Your radio is up to date.


Alasdair Hibberd"
Will have to add to the small mountain of defunct Evoke 3 radios

Its demise followed the set pattern:

3 years of old and strange things start to happen

"Waiting for update" message keeps popping up. Initially switching off power for >10 minutes cleared it

Then had to use on-line software fix. Worked OK for several months

Now completely dead. Not possible to revive

Excellent radio if you happy to write off £200 in 3 years.... sorry the accountant in me creeoping out
Hi there,

Thanks for this. My Pure Evoke-3 had the 'Waiting for Upgrade' issue and pressing any key didn't cure it. This solution from Pure - however did.

Thanks again - I was about to give up hope!
There is always the Sale of Goods Act to quote, up to 6 years cover.
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