PS3 V Panansonic DMP-BDP35


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Aug 10, 2019
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I have got a PS3 which I use mainly use for playing Blu Rays. I have seen from your resent reviews that you consider the Pananonic DMP-BDP35 to be the best budget Blu ray player with the blu play back getting special praise.I have found the panasonic online for about £200. If I bought the panasonic would I notice a big difference in picture quality between it and the PS3 or would it be very small and not worth the extra money. I have Toshiba 42inch 1080p LCD.

Clare Newsome

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Jun 4, 2007
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If you were buying your first Blu-ray player, i'd say buy the Panasonic over the PS3 everytime: it offer superior sound and vision.

However, as you already have a PS3, I don't think the upgrade in performance justifies the £200 extra expense - spend your money on games/Blu-rays instead, and (contraversial!) maybe a decent (@£30; try before you buy) HDMI cable if you're just using a freebie lead.

It's also worth keeping bang up to date with the PS3 firmware updates, as some are real performance-boosters (OK, typically more on gaming/DVD side than Blu-ray, but every little helps).

On a personal note, i've got a PS3 and i'm saving up for a major step up in Blu-ray performance (eg move to something like the Pioneer LX71 or Denon 2500BT) to get a significant upgrade, as I feel anything less than that would be too incremental.


I am leaning strongly towards the BD35 because I have blown most of my budget on the PDPLX5090.

Do worry that I should be saving up for the Pioneer LX71 to go with the tv, however the next phase will be to buy Receiver and 5.1. So by this time Blu-Ray will have moved on I guess.

Think i will be opting for the QED Performance HDMI (HDMI-P) cables for the Blu-Ray and V+ inputs unless anyone has strong argument not to.


hi, i just bought a sony bdps350, after selling my ps3 on ebay and got a good price for it.i think it was worth losing only afew quid.if you can sell your ps3 it would justify changing to a standalone player.performance picture wise is better but its the sound quality that was way better than my ps3.i only used mine for bluray films .the panasonic dmp-bd35 is excellent, but getting 6 bluray films thrown in with the deal for £200 sealed it for meto buy the s350.