[quote user="Eddiewood"][quote user="Pincho Paxton"]
The BD-30 is profile 1.1, but the PS3 is Profile 2.0, which means that movies can be more interactive on the PS3.
The BD-30 has no upgrade ability, but the PS3 is upgraded every few months, and is soon to get a brand new HD Sound upgrade! It also gets regular picture improvements.
The PS3 fan is very quiet if the PS3 is not in a cabinet.
The PS3 can play games, and also has Audio Visuals, which are also updated every so often.
The PS3 has a Web Browser, online play, and Chat facilities.
You can store movies, and music, and Photo's on the PS3.
The PS3 keeps its value, and can be sold easily, but the BD-30 with its 1.1 profile is already outdated, and loses its value immediately.
I'd go for the PS3 until new standalones are available with profile 2.0 that are not priced too highly. Then sell the PS3, and get most of your money back.
Profile 2.0 is only useful if you want to download such fantastic stuff like, erm, ring tones and erm, wait, I'll think of something useful soon...
Profile 2.0 is irrelevant to most, if you believe that it makes the BD30 out of date, then you don't appear to understand Profiles. The majority of people would be perfectly happy with a Profile 1.0 player, they'd never use it for more than watching the main feature.
Why do you have the impression that the BD30s firmware can't be updated? Or do you believe this feature is exclusive to the PS3? I'll guess that you mean Profiles, in which case, see above. The BD30 is perfectly capable of having a firmware update applied to it via CD.
It may come as a shocker, but the majority of people simply have no interest in console games, having a games console under their telly, or having some sort of media centre. They want to simply slap in a film and play it, that's all. They'll do that on the cheapest player they find and pretty soon the PS3 isn't going to be it.[/quote]
Profile 2.0 does add interactive extra features to movies in some cases as well. So some of the menu extras will not work on a profile 1.1 machine. But apart from that OK.