Ps3 - 100hz? (UE40B7020)


New member
Apr 3, 2008
Hi all

Ive been running the Ps3 on the samsung UE40B7020. Is there a setting that needs to be adjusted to enable 100hz? When a BluRay is run, the settings at the top left pop up with 1080p/60hz?

Does anyone know how this is due - to the TV being an 100hz TV? ProfessorHat youre hot on the Ps3 settings.

If it helps, Its via a HDMi Platinum cable:

Thanks in advance
The PS3 only outputs a max of 60hz. It's the TV that has the 100hz option so you would need to enable it on there.

Is it better though??.....maybe try the different modes and see....
Thanks Messiah - I needed to check my sanity! I thought the TV does the 100hz, not the Ps3. Its 'marginly' better- thanks. I have the settings on full etc but just wanted to be sure I'm getting the full output from the ps3.
Assuming your tv does indeed have 'deep colour' settings it seems the best setting is still better in LIMITED

This is because the only thing I know of that uses deep colour is the free 'life' download. Which means that watching any other game at simply simply means it 'remaps' the colours, but staying the same bitrate. Which means theres 'gaps' inbetween the colours which could result in 'colour banding'

So wether you use a tv thats deep colour capable or not the setting should be 'limited' (Until games come out that use FULL but thats highly unlikely due to the sheer procesing power it would take)
Appreciate that, thanks. I put the setting to full and the screen is almost total black! So yes, limited is what it was on. Any other settings that are best set? Most are on Auto ...
Im pretty sure its right as it is. Auto is for dvd and bluray playback which is right. If you converetd to RGB youd lose detail (Theres really no point in it)

Wether you let the PS3 upscale or your tv is upto you (Most people say the PS3 does a really good job which it does, but my Pioneer is a far superior scaler than the PS3)
I'm guessing that TV accepts 24fps as well, so worth checking the BD 1080p 24 Hz Output (HDMI) setting under Video Settings is set to Automatic or On - this means you'll see Blu-Rays in their native format.
Thanks to you both, appreciate it. I'll carry on with some runs/tests and see what I prefer. Its the samsung LED that I have, so it accepts most the current 'bells & whistles'. I have them all ON! but some need reducing. Thanks again for sharp replies guys.


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