How To Program to transfer music | Kann Cube - Windows


Active member
Jun 4, 2024
Hello everyone!
A few days ago I made a thread asking for help reviving an AK Kann Cube. Many helped me and I appreciate it a lot. Together with the help of you and the support of AK, I was able to revive the device and am testing it, testing to see if it is truly completely fixed.

AK recommended that, to load music, I plug it into the PC via cable and drag the music folders. However, when I do this, the external micro SD memory disappears from Windows file explorer while I do it (although the music I upload to it does go to the device). I reported this to AK support and they recommended that, when loading music to the micro SD, I extract it, put it in an adapter, connect it to the PC and load music. It is absolutely ridiculous that, I waste time doing all this, the transfer speed to the micro SD with adapter is that of a lame turtle and is not friendly at all.
I have another DAP, a low-end Sony with which I use an app called "Music Center for PC" that is very friendly and effective.

Is there any application that you recommend for the AK? I look forward to suggestions, thank you all very much!

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Reactions: Kenneth Fernandes
On my A&K SA700, I just use a file manager (in my case Directory Opus) and drag & drop music folders on to the card/folder in my A&K. Never had a problem...
Does the SD card re-appear after the file transfer is complete? What if you disconnect/re-connect the A&K usb?
On my A&K SA700, I just use a file manager (in my case Directory Opus) and drag & drop music folders on to the card/folder in my A&K. Never had a problem...
Does the SD card re-appear after the file transfer is complete? What if you disconnect/re-connect the A&K usb?
Thanks Rob.
After the transfer, i refresh the windows folder, and the micro sd reappears. But i´ll be nice that doesn´t happen. It may be a sign of future problems.


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