
Forum discussion tagged with dap.
  1. ruidito

    Question I need help (DAP and Headset/IEM)

    Hello everyone. I am on this journey of learning specifications so I can buy a DAP wisely, not just for the DAP itself but so I can then buy headphones (IEM or headset) that can be run by that DAP. I would like to ask you to teach me the following specifically: • How do I know if a DAP will...
  2. ruidito

    How To Program to transfer music | Kann Cube - Windows

    Hello everyone! A few days ago I made a thread asking for help reviving an AK Kann Cube. Many helped me and I appreciate it a lot. Together with the help of you and the support of AK, I was able to revive the device and am testing it, testing to see if it is truly completely fixed. AK...
  3. Chop

    Question Astell & Kern DAP to Amp or Active Speaker Setup?

    Hello All, I currently own an Astell & Kern SP2000T DAP and use headphones (Meze 99 Classics) or a Schiit Audio Vali headphone amp with Sennheiser HD650s. I buy FLAC files via HDTRACKS and typically have the higher res options. I live in an apartment and use an Apple TV (4th gen), so would like...
  4. J

    Fiio X7 - Tidal Offline - £300 Budget

    I have been the happy owner of a Fiio X7 for a while now AM2 module, sounds (IMO) fantastic but as is well documented the UI is clunky and the battery life is getting a little restrictive! I have not had the good fortune of listening to an array of other DAP's and am interested to take...