Problem: harsh, scratchy treble inc vocals esp at volume.

Dr Oetker

New member
Apr 18, 2008
Set up: Marantz PM6002, CD6002, B&W P4.

I have tried replacing CD player with old Yamaha CDX493 & this improved harshness at expense of overall sound quality. Tried old NAD C320 amp, again improved harshness but inferior sound otherwise. The Yamaha CD player with Marantz amp sounded much better than the NAD amp with Marantz CD player so I plan to get a new CD player, I don't want to downgrade so have you any suggestions as to what CD player to get? I can only afford to spend £250-300 inc what I make from old CD player but don't mind buying 2nd hand. What about NAD C545BEE or old Quad66?

My only other grumble is flabby undefined bass produced by amp but I get round this by using loud button and turning bass down (no this isn't what causes harsh treble as does it on tone defeat) so should I change amp and sort both issues? - quite tempted by Roksan Kandy LIII 2nd hand for £350.

HELP PLEASE - confused - small brain!
what volumes do you play at could be your stressing both amp and speaker

the nad c320 is slightly warm and not remotely harsh

otherwise id look at replacing the speakers rather than the amp or cd

you can try it to see if thats the problem by taking amp and cd down to a dealer and having a listen to other speakers
If you listen to music at loud volumes you need a new amp with more power. The PM6002 is a fine amp but only has 45 watts at 8 ohm.
Dr Oetker:

Set up: Marantz PM6002, CD6002, B&W P4.

I have tried replacing CD player with old Yamaha CDX493 & this improved harshness at expense of overall sound quality. Tried old NAD C320 amp, again improved harshness but inferior sound otherwise. The Yamaha CD player with Marantz amp sounded much better than the NAD amp with Marantz CD player so I plan to get a new CD player, I don't want to downgrade so have you any suggestions as to what CD player to get? I can only afford to spend £250-300 inc what I make from old CD player but don't mind buying 2nd hand. What about NAD C545BEE or old Quad66?

My only other grumble is flabby undefined bass produced by amp but I get round this by using loud button and turning bass down (no this isn't what causes harsh treble as does it on tone defeat) so should I change amp and sort both issues? - quite tempted by Roksan Kandy LIII 2nd hand for £350.

HELP PLEASE - confused - small brain!

How long have you had the Marantz's?

If you really feel the others you've tried lack the musicality, and you've reduced it down to the CDP, the Arcam CD 73T would be the answer. It is smooth, punchy and well detailed. It most cases, it'll be more than a match for the budget Marantz.

I hope they are run in properly?
I run a CD6002 with a PM7001 amp and just do not recognise the problems you mention. Granted the PM7001 has more power but I love the sound this combo produces, and the amp never needs to go much past "quarter to" to give an acceptable level that doesn't irritate both neighbours and wife.



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