SteveR750:Ricky, out of interest, what cable do you use for internal connections? and what about the coil? The thing that I struggle with is the huge cost of supposedly technical connection between amp and speaker, but what about the bit between terminal and driver.....
I know you didn't ask me, but all I can suggest is that the cables chosen by the designers of the amp and the designers of the speakers were a known factor for them. They chose whatever cable they did to get the performance they wanted. And it's sort of a moot point because you cannot do anything about it now. You can't change them. But what can change is the speaker cables and the interconnects you use to hook everything up, and when the signal is running through those things they have the potential to mess things up.
I visited a dealer here a week ago. I brought my amp and speakers to his shop, along with my cables. We tried various things to improve the sound and one of them that worked was a change of speaker cables. It was a big improvement and came as a big surprise to me. So I will be moving from my Atlas cables to a set of LFD cables. Now there is nothing wrong with my Atlas cables, but as the dealer explained (and I might be messing up his explanation), you have to match the load of the amp with that of the cable. It went something like that. In short, he said certain cables have always worked well with Exposure amps, and LFD was one of them. And when we put the LFD into the chain the sound became a lot more organic and natural, and the organization seemed to improve.
So I believe the key is really in how the amp and cables work together. Can you know what cable will work ahead of time? I don't think so, you just have to try it and see how it sounds. By the way, if you are using terminated jumper cables try switching those out for short runs of unterminated speaker cable. This along with the LFD speaker cables made a huge difference for me.
Your post is very interesting but I don't understand which cable change your system?
By the way - Atlas cables are is worst of cable's brands. That's why the changes in sounding are so huge.
It was a cable made by LFD. I'm not sure the exact name. I heard it in my system and I'm buying it. It's not cheap...I never thought I'd buy a cable for this much. It's around $300 Cdn, which in pounds is about 186. 3m and terminated with banana plugs. I think that is less than you want to pay though. Anyways, once I get the cable I can post the name.
SteveR750:Ricky, out of interest, what cable do you use for internal connections? and what about the coil? The thing that I struggle with is the huge cost of supposedly technical connection between amp and speaker, but what about the bit between terminal and driver.....
I know you didn't ask me, but all I can suggest is that the cables chosen by the designers of the amp and the designers of the speakers were a known factor for them. They chose whatever cable they did to get the performance they wanted. And it's sort of a moot point because you cannot do anything about it now. You can't change them. But what can change is the speaker cables and the interconnects you use to hook everything up, and when the signal is running through those things they have the potential to mess things up.
I visited a dealer here a week ago. I brought my amp and speakers to his shop, along with my cables. We tried various things to improve the sound and one of them that worked was a change of speaker cables. It was a big improvement and came as a big surprise to me. So I will be moving from my Atlas cables to a set of LFD cables. Now there is nothing wrong with my Atlas cables, but as the dealer explained (and I might be messing up his explanation), you have to match the load of the amp with that of the cable. It went something like that. In short, he said certain cables have always worked well with Exposure amps, and LFD was one of them. And when we put the LFD into the chain the sound became a lot more organic and natural, and the organization seemed to improve.
So I believe the key is really in how the amp and cables work together. Can you know what cable will work ahead of time? I don't think so, you just have to try it and see how it sounds. By the way, if you are using terminated jumper cables try switching those out for short runs of unterminated speaker cable. This along with the LFD speaker cables made a huge difference for me.
Your post is very interesting but I don't understand which cable change your system?
By the way - Atlas cables are is worst of cable's brands. That's why the changes in sounding are so huge.
It was a cable made by LFD. I'm not sure the exact name. I heard it in my system and I'm buying it. It's not cheap...I never thought I'd buy a cable for this much. It's around $300 Cdn, which in pounds is about 186. 3m and terminated with banana plugs. I think that is less than you want to pay though. Anyways, once I get the cable I can post the name.