It all depends in which currencies the products are bought and sold between the factory and the shop. Theoretically the Samsung price should be relatively stable, as the South Korean Won, after some ups and downs against the Pound, is back to about where it was at the end of last Summer.
The Pioneer? Well, the Japanese yen was just above 210 to the Pound in August, and is now at about 130 or so - a straight conversion would suggest rises of up to 40%.
Of course, it's not quite that simple, and there are many other factors involved. The trading between country of manufacture and country of sale may be in US Dollars or Euros, which introduces another layer of currency exchanges, and of companies may - and often do - buy currency in advance and so on.
But yes, I think rises are almost inevitable, however counter-intuitive they may seem at a time of falling inflation, plummeting sales and retailers teetering on the brink.