Portable DAC for Nexus 7


New member
Aug 31, 2010
Hi Folks, I have a Nexus 7 running the Trinity Kernel, Its quite easy to do. You need to have your tablet rooted (see xda developers http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1809195) Then install Rom Manager from the App market. You only need this for the handy option it has to boot into recovery mode on the tablet. Download the kernel you want to install. I used this one http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1788759 You download the .zip file to your tablet. Run Rom manager - select 'Reboot into recovery' - check out youtube video on how to install custom kernel on nexus 7 When rebooted you select wipe cache, then wipe dalvik cash, then install custom kernel. Browse to the downloaded zip file and install. If all goes well, you will have a new kernel installed..The trinity one allows overclocking the cpu and other stuff.. To enable USB audio - you use something like ES Explorer app - enable root browsing. Browse to system/etc Make a back up of asound.conf then edit the existing adding the lines below.. ----------------------------------------------------------CUT BELLOW------------------------------------------------------ pcm.usbdac { type hw; card Audio; } ctl.usbdac { type hw; card Audio; } pcm.!default usbdac -----------------------------------------------------------END ABOVE------------------------------------------------------- To get USB audio working you have to boot the Nexus with the DAC attached. If you plug out the dac the Nexus will reboot. Ok - thats the instructions but do so at your own risk.. xda is really the place to go to as the guys there know their stuff.. My question is what DAC to use/try I have sennheiser IE80 earphones and use poweramp with 320kps mp3/flac files. Any advice on the DAC appreciatied. I'll try and answer any questions re rooting etc.. Cheers, Mick
Thanks for making this a new post Mick! I have a feeling this will be curious for a few people (including myself).

As for Chebby's suggestion of the dragonfly: It sounds like a good idea because it's small, but there is no way to stop it draining to Nexus' power*, it's pretty expensive at £215 and Audioquest are rumoured to be bringing out a DAC/amp for Android and iDevices soon anyway.

*I'm not sure if this will work actaully. Do you know? Will the Nexus (or any other tablet) provide power over USB?

The Fiio E17 is the best Fiio that you can get, it's £100 and pretty well priced. It has a battery, which will help and is pretty small (not as small as the Dragonfly of course).

For that money and if you don't need the battery / amp only feature then I would recommend the Audinst HUD-MX1 which can be powered by USB or mains power. The audio quality is a bit better than the Fiio. It's a bit bigger though.

If it's pure audio quality you want, rather than size, power, feature etc. it all depends on how much you are willing to spend. What budget are we talking about here?
A list of standard USB DAC reportedly interworking with a custom Android-powered tablet Asus/Google Nexus 7:

custom Google Nexus 7 > digital audio stream >> USB OTG cable (Micro-A plug inserted in the Nexus 7) >> standard USB DAC >> amp >> headphone

. ESi Dr. DAC nano:



. FiiO E7 (USB DAC/amp):



. FiiO E10 (USB DAC/amp):



. iBasso D10 (USB DAC/amp):



. Logitech Gaming Headset G930:



. Practical Devices XM6 (USB DAC/amp):



. Turtle Beach Micro II:


micks_address said:
Out of that list im going to try and pick up a secondhand Fiio e7... is the e17 much better?
The best value for pure sound quality would be the Fiio E10 (from what I have read). It a similar level of quality as the E17 (£100) but a similar price as the E7 (£50). What you don't get is a battery, an ability to amp a portable (eg. iPhone), tone controls (bass/treble/gain) and the ability to use the DAC on an optical digital signal from anything else (the E17 is pretty versatile).

Is the Fiio E10/E17 much better than the E7 for sound quality?... hmmmm it's noticeable but I wouldn't say it's a huge difference.
Thanks quad,

I'm thinking the e7 as i want it to be portable and run off its own battery. I have read the 17 produces more output so would be better for phones that are hard to drive. My ie80s' are pretty light to frive so i think the e7 is an ok starting point. Plus i've read the batter on the e17 doesnt last neary the same as the e7? Do you think i'll notice much of a difference with the e7 versus the headphone out on my nexus 7?

Now that's a question.. It's been a while since I listend to the E7 but I will do a test for you later (after work). I must say that I thought the headphone output of the Nexus 7 was pretty good, I'd be surprised if it was E7 good though, very unlikely.

The E17 battery is about 14 hours I think, the E7 was about 40, this pretty much represented real world tests too. This power difference could go some way to explain why the E17 sounds better and it does across the board I'd imagine - IEMs and full size headphones alike. Just not worth double the money in audio quality alone. So yeah the E7 is probably a good choice for what you want.
micks_address said:
Thanks quad, i dont suppose you'd be tempted to sell your e7? 🙂
I have been thinking of selling the Fiio's to fund other things but I'm not sure if I'm quite ready. They come in handy for comparisons still.

I just tested the Fiio E7 against the Nexus 7. The E7 is more dynamic and the bass is nicer, but I am surprised how good the Nexus 7 is actually. It's way better than my laptop and phone. The Nexus perhaps gets slightly higher volume than the E7, not much though, perhaps 5% more.
I decided it's not worth me potentially damaging my Nexus 7... and I personally would not bother putting the E7 on the Nexus 7 no, but that's because I have much better things that are only slightly less convinient.
okie doke... im still keen just to try it... i'll keep an eye out on the used market and see if i can get something cheap. cheers mick
I don't know the iBasso D2, the only iBasso that I have tried is the D7. If you want to know what I thought of that check the link in my signature.
well i've gone for the secondhand ibasso d2, its working out about the same price as a new e7 so not to bad.. i'll report back when i have it.. probably be sometime next week

cheers for the help/advice
Hey Mick, that sounds like a pretty great price. I'd be very curious to know how you get on with it.
i'll post a review here once i get it, but i have to wait till pay day next week to pay the balance on it. .and then it'll take a few days to arrive in the post.. cant wait to try it out all the same!


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