lpv said:
Steve - not sure if there are any but I was close to go croft/ harberth route before I went for ATC's, however I would go for remote and single volume control version.. from what I've read Croft users like the designer approach to dual mono volume.
bluedroog - the one and only time I've heard valve pre with actives was a revelation for me.. did you notice any difference between croft/ opals and dac/ opals combination?
It was a funny one for me as I had two contrasting experinces with the Croft. I first had the 909 and tried it with various pre-amps before settling on the Croft which had a profound positive impact. Some previous efforts sucked the life out of the sound, enter the Croft and it was another level. The sense of realism and soundstange were much improved as was bass. It almost certainly wasn't the best measuring on paper but it was hugely enjoyable.
I used the Croft with my Opals and did enjoy the sound very much. I was curious however to try remving it as I have an M-DAC and use the remote volume and fancied trying balanced XLR. To my surprise it didn't make a huge difference. A little of the valve tonal body was lost but in favour of better detail. Purely from a sound perspective while they were differnent it was tricky to say which I prefered.
What this led me to was to revisit passive pre-amps, I tired a Tisbury and Icon Audio up from the M-DAC with volume disabled and prefered both, I'm probalby going to get a higher end passive now.
Both passive, active vavle and digital volume in the DAC work well but no way I'd say a Croft would be money well spent now if I didn't already own it yet it was a very worthwhile upgrade in my passive system. That's not to say other valve / actives combinations wouldn't be. Funnily enogh the 909 is supposed to excel with passive pres and I had the gain on the Croft reduced to get the best from the pairing.
I know lots of Opal owners use the Project valve pre-amp which gets much praise as a pairing. Much is down to appropiate output ratings but plain old synergy and personal preference goes a long way too because many seem to think the Opals don't excel with passives which isn't what I heard.
It is fun trying!