Kerem737 said:
My question is Pmc 23 match with jadis i35 tube amp which is intagrated and 2x30w, 4x kt 120 tubes
Also I have zodiac gold dac.
Usally I am listening classical music.
Kerem737 said:
Also what do you think about Cabasse Egea with Jadis i 35
Could I ask why you've settled on these two pairs of speakers? Is it a question of what's available near you? Or are you buying second hand? Or is your choice based on reviews? Sorry, I don't want to sound critical, but it can be helpful to have some background.
I don't know the Cabasse speakers, though I've heard good things about them.
The PMC twenty series wouldn't be my first choice. Like you, I mainly listen to classical music. I find the twenty series rather harsh at the top end. This might, of course, be mitigated by your valve amp. (The PMC GB1i would be more suitable, but it's no longer in production.)
Have you considered Harbeth? Or Vienna Acoustics?