PMC twenty.21 VS Kef LS50


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Ill start my own thread see what you folks have to say about this. I have a 8xp with the built in dac and cyrus transport with eichmann cables in a smaller living room close to the back wall. I have the Quad 11L's but find they dont dig enough like the proac's I have had in the past. My dealer can only bring in what I buy so Im going on the judgement of others when all taken into account is usally okay theres lots of good ideas here. Im a hard rock fan so I love the sound of my Cyrus fast open sound but not the thin sound it leaves either and it looks like my two options are either the Kef's or the PMC's thoughts? TIA
Mike_Schmidt said:
thanks for the input. Its still the twenty.21's or the LS 50's. The more I read from non reviewers the more I find that the LS 50's are not what they are cracked up to be. Im looking for something detailed have a little bass a little in the middle for my rock...and it continues.

I suppose it depends on what you have read.

My main system uses Kef Ref 205/2s; but I also have LS50s on the end of an Arcam AVR600, which I also use for 2 channel, when I don't want to fire up my Class A amp (both fed by Linn Majik DS). This means that I have a sky high reference with which to judge the little Kefs against.

All I can say is that these little speakers are better than they have any right to be for the price.

To get the most out of them they need:

- Sturdy filled stands

- Decent amplification

- Attention to the setup

There are of course limitations to the bass, but they have more scale than you would expect for their size...they are highly detailed and revealing, but at the same time musical and natural. The biggest complement I can pay them, is that I still really enjoy them even if used straight after the Refs.
Thanks for the reply everything you said was clear logical and made sence, thanks for that. Im actually swinging on the new Proac studio 118's.
Pity the OP can't dem both as £800 for the Kefs & £1300 for the PMCs is a lot of dough to splash without hearing first. Hope the dealer Mike is referring to has a returns policy.

Not sure why he's limiting to just two: From personal experience, Dynaudio and Cyrus is a cracking combo. As most of us know, system matching isn't necessarily about the talent of individual components, but which components synergise the best.
my dealer is small doesnt carry stock I dont fault him on that market is weak here for this. Thats why Im leaning on you guys for judgment I will put all the comments on paper and weigh the pros and cons of each. The Proac studio I forgot about but im thinking about the 118 as well
Mike_Schmidt said:
Thanks for the reply everything you said was clear logical and made sence, thanks for that. Im actually swinging on the new Proac studio 118's.

I hope you end up making the right decision, so good luck with that.

FWIW. Proac are voiced with Valves in mind and can sound a little bright with the wrong SS amp....though they work well with Sugden (which is of no use to you).
I have the kef ls50's on the end of my Cyrus dac xp x power combo, and think it's a brilliant combination. I listen to all sorts, from Autechre to Nine Inch Nails, and haven't found anything yet that the little kef's can't handle.

Of course deeper bass would be good on occasion, but you rarely miss it and for their size can't really be seen as a fault.

I love PMCs too by the way (they are in my main system), but would definitely recommend the kef Cyrus pairing.
gregvet said:
I have the kef ls50's on the end of my Cyrus dac xp x power combo, and think it's a brilliant combination. I listen to all sorts, from Autechre to Nine Inch Nails, and haven't found anything yet that the little kef's can't handle.

Of course deeper bass would be good on occasion, but you rarely miss it and for their size can't really be seen as a fault.

I love PMCs too by the way (they are in my main system), but would definitely recommend the kef Cyrus pairing.

Hi Greg....Seasons greetings to you 'ol son.....and you are right!
CnoEvil said:
Hi Greg....Seasons greetings to you 'ol son.....and you are right!

Hi Cno, merry Xmas. Hope you have had a good one 🙂

i must admit that I love the pmc twenty series sound (would love some 26's to replace my FB1i's) but can't comment on them with Cyrus as haven't heard the pairing.
CnoEvil said:
FWIW. Proac are voiced with Valves in mind and can sound a little bright with the wrong SS amp....though they work well with Sugden (which is of no use to you).

Hi CnE

Proac also use Primare and Naim amplification

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
I'm listening to a pair of ls50's right now running on a cheap Yamaha 673 avr. They sound good, the bass is top notch, not particularly deep but enough. They don't seem fussed coupled with the receiver either. I was expecting them to sound harsh or something but not so. I'm no expert but the ls50's sound quality seems to be very high for the money from what I can tell. Incidently I did a side by side with the kef's and a pair of Monitor audio silver 2's and the ls50's beat them pretty easily I thought. The bass on the silver 2's sounded a bit boxy and they lacked some control, their composure and refinement fell short of the ls50's but they did have a more airy sound which can be appealing. The silver 2's are cheaper but I'd pay the extra for the ls50's no problem.
I used some ProAcs (Studio's) with my previous cyrus system for a long time.

A good combination.

However, if rock is what you predominantly listen to and you like a fast, punchy, forward sound ... Rega R3's (now RS3) or RS5 would be my choice.

Good luck
Well I settled on the Proac Studio 118 in the end now all I can do is hope for audio bliss. Im going to buy a power amp in the cyrus range 8 powers are going for pretty cheap rather than new.


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