Please help me put together a budget system for my needs..


New member
Feb 1, 2011
Hi there guys,

I am looking to better what i have now, Cambridge Audio A1 amp, into mission M31 speakers. I bought the Missions after auditioning as they had the most natural and non-high end in your face sound compared to others at the time, but they have a low end that is uncontrolled and not balanced. The CA amp is obviously lacking in outright terms, its ok, balanced and has bass warmth, but its starting to make funny noises so on the way out..

Here is what I need:

I want a BALANCED sound, above all, the amount of hifi components I have heard lacking that is laughable, maybe things have changed since i was heavily into it ten years ago...

I need balanced and natural, lots of subtlety, hearing the decays etc, no harsh high end and controlled bass. I am not an extended bass junkie, so i dont need loads of bass 'weight'. No thin sound, high end shrillness, just nice and natural.

So, i have about 500 to spend on each, the speakers have a proviso, they are in a living room environement, so must look nice for the other half! No black lol. At present thinking Q-Acoustics Concept 20s but i have not had a chance to hear them.

Ampwise i am torn, i know for outright sound quality tone control-less amps are the way to go, fine if they are balanced and sorted, but i have found the need to tone controls before on bass heavy or high end shrill components. The Rega Bro R is calling but again no chance to hear it.

So... after all that 🙂 amp and speakers for balanced, MUSICAL and clear warmth - suggestions?
A little over budget but the Croft Integrated is the finest amplifier under £1000 that I have heard, unless I am missing something it should drive the Concept 20s rather nicely.

If, like me, you want to get away from the sound of the 'usual suspects' this could be the way forward.The Croft is a minimalist design and costs £850 but if you are serious about what you want, this will get it done.
Welcome to the forum.

Again, slightly over budget but not as much over as the Croft (go on treat yourself), is the Creek Evolution 50A.

Well worth an audition with the Q acoustics.

Failing that head higher up the CA chain.
Al ears said:
Welcome to the forum.

Again, slightly over budget but not as much over as the Croft (go on treat yourself), is the Creek Evolution 50A.

Well worth an audition with the Q acoustics.

Failing that head higher up the CA chain.

As you can probably guess, this would be my choice for a 'full function' amplifier, not sure (from my experience) that the small Rega would have the 'stones' for the Concept 20.

A lot of this depends on what the OP means when he talks about 'balance', I find many budget systems to be unbalanced in different ways so would, personally, spend the extra or not bother.
Thanks guys,

Iam by no means welded to the Concept 20 idea, they were just a thought 🙂

By balanced, to clarify, i mean even Eq, not overly pushing bass weight or treble, even and natural.
Danhorse said:
Thanks guys,

Iam by no means welded to the Concept 20 idea, they were just a thought 🙂

By balanced, to clarify, i mean even Eq, not overly pushing bass weight or treble, even and natural.

Do you have a decent local dealer?

Get him to play you two or three amp/speaker combos around your budget that he thinks work well. Give him your reaction and see if he can tailor a setup that suits you.

Do not ask to hear any specific product and do not mention any reviews. Just tell him what you play and what you like.


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