Plasmas and screen glare


New member
Aug 10, 2019
We are about to take the plunge and get rid of the old 36" crt and replace it with a new 40"-42" tv. Our lounge is more or less South facing and has light colured decor. The current tv is situated if the corner on the same wall as the window. On bright days we have to close the vertical blinds to reduce the glare/reflection on the screen. I would like us to get something like a Panasonic 42G20 or V20. Would we get worse glareereflection or no real differance with a new set like one of these? Are we better off going for something like a Sony 40EX703?
Thanks. I have read that plasmas should not be used in bright rooms. I was hoping that I could get away with one having got use to glare on the current tv. Afternoon gaming is a bit of a no-no. I don't really want to go down the lcd route. All the stories of clouding and image retention just make it seem such a mine field, plus I can imagine they would not be as easy to clean if the little laddo gets his mucky fingerprints on the screen. Seeing some of the Samsung led backlight screens on their slim wall hangings do look very neat and tidy I must admit. But that would mean a major move around of the lounge.
I've got a plasma in a room with windows on three sides, the TV is in front of and opposite a window, I've got to say I don't really notice too many problems but then it's not very often I'm actually watching during the day. Generally speaking if we're watching a movie all the curtains are closed anyway.
IMHO a Plaz will be no worse than your CRT and most screens now have some sort of anti-reflective coating and are nowhere near as bad as early plasma sets.
Thanks DJ. That's the sort of reply I was hoping for. If it is no worse then the wife will not have anything to moan about.

Actually she'll just find others things to moan about...folding towels inside out, not putting cups in the cupboard upside down etc
I fully agree with D.J.

Plasma screens are no worse than the old CRT screens. Actually G20 has been very much improved for daylight viewing. Less reflections (the outer glass screen has been removed) and in general brighter compared to last years models.
I'm going to have to stop reading this thread. That 'buy me' whisper from Costco is getting louder and LOUDER. £822 inc. VAT for a 42G20 with 5 year warranty is almost too good to be true.

Must hold on to find out what the V20 is like.
Although LCDs tend not to be as reflective, bright light can seriously affect the image, making it extremely dull. Off-centre viewing can make this worse. Do you have a lap-top? If so, you will have experienced this already. Although the manufacturers have been working to improve things, it's something to watch out for.
We have a lcd monitor on the pc and on a sunny day like today it can be awkward to see the screen.
I have a Samsung plasma at the moment and during the day it is as good as unwatchable, however i have had a demo lately of the Sony LCD and that had really bad reflections in the shop !! so that would probably be just as bad in daylight conditions !!
Yes, definately some other points to consider.

More and more new LCD sets implement a glass front making reflections just as bad as on plasmas. And contrary to plasma you cannot just find another viewing angle or tilt the TV without loosing contrast and colour accuracy.


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